Title: PWM控制降壓式直流電源對電漿火炬顫動現象的影響及解決方法之研究
An Impact Study of the Pwm Buck-Type Dc Power Dynamics on the Chattering Behavior in Plasma Torch
Authors: 廖德誠
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 一般而言,直流電漿火炬系統之電源是由PWM 降壓式直流電源當作電流源提供 火炬之運作。本計劃將應用電子電路PWM 控制降壓式﹙Buck﹚直流電源的概念取代 文獻建立的三階非線性振幅方程式,將電漿火炬系統視為電子電路中的非線性電阻。 在電子電路的研究中,Chua’s circuit 參數變動某一範圍時,電路系統會產生混沌現象。 因此,本計劃將引用Chua’s circuit 的概念,將電漿火炬系統視為其Chua’s diode (即非 線性電阻),建立符合電漿火炬之負電阻係數。並以一年時間透過所建立之系統分析模 型探討直流電漿火炬顫動現象與渾沌現象之關連性及可能發生之成因。其主要研究工 作包括系統分析模式建立、動態特性分析、系統模擬及實驗資料收集分析驗證等。此 外,也將透過計劃之理論成果與分析工具之應用,以確認印度學者之發現在直流電漿 火炬顫動現象之適用性。另外,也將探討顫動現象之可控性,以作為未來直流電漿火 炬效益改善設計之參考。
The major goal of this research project is to establish an analytical model for the study of dynamical behavior in direct-current type plasma torch. It is known that a direct-current type plasma torch is usually conducted by a PWM buck-type power converter for acting as a current source for the system. Based on the results of the well-known “Chua’s circuit,” an equivalent Chua’s circuit model will be developed for the DC-type plasma torch. It is followed by the verification and parameter tuning of the proposed model from the experimental data obtained by the Institute of Nuclear Energy. Numerical simulations will also be carried on for the study of dynamical behavior such as chaotic phenomenon by using the proposed model. The strategies for the prevention and/or control of the system’s dynamical behavior will also be developed for the proposed model and then might provide a guideline for the practical design of DC-type plasma torch in the future.
Gov't Doc #: NSC98-NU-E009-001
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/100845
Appears in Collections:Research Plans