標題: 電漿火炬電源非線性且隨機控制的研究
A Study of Nonlinear and Stochastic Behavior in Plasma Torch
作者: 廖德誠
關鍵字: 電漿火炬;非線性系統;plasma torch;nonlinear system
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 為配合「電漿焚化熔融處理有害廢棄物產業化應用與發展」施政目標,開發高功率直流電漿火炬技術以期促使國家環境保護技術朝零廢棄物的目標發展,本計劃擬配合原能會核研所之研究,探討井式電漿火炬之非線性特性,並驗證理論分析成果之成效。在近年來已發表文獻中指出,大氣電弧電漿裝置會表現渾沌動態行為﹙chaotic behavior﹚。此一發現指出,電漿火炬之顫動現象可能係屬deterministic渾沌行為而非隨機行為(stochastic behavior),而這樣的動態行為是有可能被控制的。由過去的研究發現,渾沌動態行為有可能是因為系統不穩定周期性行為所衍生的,如果這些不穩定周期性行為發生的成因能夠被探討並加以控制且使其穩定化後,將可消除電漿裝置的顫動現象以達到最佳系統性能。因此,為加速高功率直流電漿火炬控制技術的開發,本計劃擬應用電漿理論及非線性控制理論針對井式電漿火炬之非線性特性加以探討,找出其造成系統渾沌現象的成因,並探討渾沌現象發生的可能條件。此外,本計劃也將協助核研所之井式電漿火炬實驗平台的建立與量測資料分析,以初步確認理論分析之成果。
It is known that a DC power-driven plasma torch might exhibit random behavior which might affect the performance of the torch. A recent study shows that such a random behavior phenomenon might be a deterministic type chaotic behavior. One of the major goals of this project is to verify such a finding. In the project, we will cooperate with the researchers from the Institute of Nuclear Energy to work on the dynamical study of the well-type DC power plasma torch. First, an analytical model will be derived from theoretical point of view. It is followed by the dynamical analysis of the derived system model via the help from general nonlinear system theory. Numerical studies of the plasma torch’s behavior will also be carried on by using the code Matlab. Moreover, we will work with the researchers from the Institute of Nuclear Energy to build up a test-bed for well-type DC power plasma torch for experimental study. A preliminary of sensor measurement, data collection and numerical analysis of the experimental data will also be covered in the proposed tasks.
官方說明文件#: 972001INER019
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102339


  1. RRPG97050043.pdf

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