標題: 以貼合法製作可撓式高分子太陽能電池
Flexible Polymer Photovoltaic Devices Fabricated by a Lamination Process
作者: 陳方中
Chen Fang-Chung
關鍵字: 貼合法;高分子;太陽能電池;導電膠;碳酸銫;lamination;polymer;solar cells;conducting glue;cesium carbonate
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 「以貼合法製作可撓式高分子太陽能電池」計劃將發展一個太陽能電池的低成本製 作技術,首先具黏性的導電高分子將用於貼合元件的陰陽兩個部份,也將研究此導電 膠在不同的反射性金屬上的特性。其次碳酸銫也將沉積於不同的反射性金屬上用以降 低元件接面電阻,也將利用加熱退火方式進一步增進碳酸銫的功用。最後將發展高反 射率雙層之金屬電極用以提升光件的光反射性,也將研究元件開路電壓與內建電場之 間的關係。
The “flexible polymer photovoltaic devices fabricated by a lamination process” research project will develop a low-cost fabrication process for polymer solar cells. Firstly, the adhesive polymer “glue”, PEDOT:PSS, will be used to laminate two parts of the devices. The properties of the conducting glue will be investigated on different reflective metal electrodes. Secondly, cesium carbonate will be used to modify different reflective anodes to reduce the contact resistance. The thermal annealing of the cesium carbonate layer will be also performed. Finally, bi-layer metals with high reflectivity will be developed to enhance the light reflection in the device. The relationship between the open circuit voltage and the build-in potential between the electrodes will be also studied.
官方說明文件#: NSC98-ET-E009-005-ET
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/100889
Appears in Collections:Research Plans