標題: 半導體微影覆蓋誤差先進製程批次控制開發研究
Advanced Process Control---Run to Run Control of Lithography Overlay Process in Semiconductor Manufacturing
作者: 李安謙
關鍵字: 先進製程控制;批次控制;覆蓋誤差;微影;適應性干擾估測器;混貨;Advance Process Control;Run-to-Run;Lithography Overlay;AdaptiveDisturbance Observer;Mixed Product
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 本計畫為兩年期計畫,整個計畫目標在完成半導體微影覆蓋誤差先進製程批次控制 開發研究。其發展內容包含:黃光微影製程(Lithography Overlay Process)之批次控制 (Run-to-Run Control)控制器開發,第一年研究首先將針對微影製程情況為:單一機台、 單一產品以及單一製程(Layer)之製程干擾開發一套適應性干擾觀測器(Adaptive Disturbance Observer)並上機實驗驗證;此外,在第二年擬對於黃光微影混貨(Mixed Product)製程(多部機台、多樣產品及多道製程),延伸第一年計畫所開發之製程控制理論 與方法,建構一套以機台為基底之適應性干擾估測器(Tool-based Adaptive Disturbance Estimation, TBADE),並且於半導體廠內實作及驗證。應用本計畫所開發之成果,將預 期達成減少人力資源浪費、降低重工率、減少晶圓在製造過程中的損壞,進而提高產品 良率、增加產量以及技術之提升。 第一年計畫中,對於微影製程首先將探討單一機台、產品以及曝光層的情況,以便 分析製程特性,並對其開發一套適應性干擾觀測器,使其觀測器能夠隨著製程特性改變 時,自我調適,以確保製程之穩定,並上機實驗驗證。 在第二年計畫中,將分析混貨製程特性及現場製程型態,針對微影混貨製程特性, 並延續及擴充第一年計畫所建構完成之控制理論與機制,建構一機台為基底之混貨製程 干擾估測器。此外,此製程控制器將會與其他混貨製程控制器比較其效能,最後上機實 驗驗證。
This is a two-year project. The aim of the whole project is to develop an Advanced Process Control (APC): Run-to-Run (RtR) Control of Lithography Overlay process in semiconductor manufacturing. The content involves the following subjects: Run-to-Run process control using adaptive disturbance observer for one tool, one product and one layer in lithography overlay processes for the first year, and the Tool-based Adaptive Disturbance Estimation (TBADE) for lithography overlay control process for mixed product, multiple tools, products and layers for the second year. All of these research results will be implemented and verified in the semiconductor fabrication company. By applying the results of this project, we expect that the human resources, the rework rate and the damage of wafers during processing can be reduced, and meantime the product yield, throughput and the productive techniques can be improved. The focus of the first year will be to develop a lithography overlay process controller. Considering the overlay processes characteristics, we will construct an adaptive disturbance observer which can tune the model coefficients itself as well as observing the processes disturbance being changed and also generate a new recipe for the process input to improve the response characteristics. In the second year, we will establish an RtR mixed product process control for lithography overlay processes. First of all, the historical data of overlay mixed product process will be analyzed. According to obtained results, the TBADE method will be construed by extending the theory developed in the first year. Besides, the TBADE method will be compared with other methods for mixed product by simulation study, and then it will be implemented and verified in real process, finally.
官方說明文件#: NSC97-2221-E009-070-MY2
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/100907


  1. 972221E009070MY2(第1年).PDF
  2. 972221E009070MY2(第2年).PDF

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