Title: 日治時期西式音樂活動中的女性形象(I)
Women's Images in Western Music Activities during the Japanese Colonial Rule (I)
Authors: 高雅俐
Keywords: 日治時期;西式音樂活動;女性形象;教會;Japanese Colonial Rule;western music activities;women’s images;church
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 本研究主要延續前期研究計畫「日治時期菁英階層家族婦女的音樂生活--以林獻堂家族 與高長家族為中心」之初步研究成果,嘗試進一步拓展研究範圍並深化探討日治時期西 式音樂(包括教會音樂、藝術音樂、通俗音樂)公共活動中女性形象的塑造、接受與再 現等相關議題。本研究除了試圖了解不同社會階層婦女的多元公共音樂生活經歷,分析 台灣近代社會婦女的女性形象、社會地位如何藉由所參與的音樂公共活動而被型塑與接 受,並嘗試進一步從國家政策面了解此期殖民政府所期待婦女於社會中所扮演的角色與 貢獻。此外,本計畫也企圖由各種未出版的婦女日記、書信、寫真,及已出版的文獻、 報紙、廣告、海報…了解不同階層婦女如何形成各自的“婦女認同"。本計畫首先將聚 焦於日治時期教會相關音樂活動中的女性形象探討。由女子教會學校的教學制度、教學 方式、教師、學生、演出與宗教活動等管道著手,蒐集相關文獻並進行口訪。同時比較 台、日、英、加拿大等地女子教會學校之教育理念與實施方式。此外,並檢視日治時期 殖民政府對於官方教育體制外的女子教會學校的管理政策。
This study is founded on the rough result of the preceding research project on “Women’s Music Life in Taiwanese Elite Families during the Japanese Colonial Rule -- with focus on the Lin Hsien Tang Family and the Kao Chang Family”. It attempts to broaden the research scope and explore with greater depth into Taiwanese women’s Images in western music activities (including the domain of church music, art music, and popular music) . It discusses how Taiwanese women’s images had been constructed, received and represented in different music activities during the Japanese Colonial Rule. By analyzing how social status of women was built up through music activities in order to understand further what role these women played and what contribution they made in that age. In this study, I will firstly focus my discussion on the relationship between Taiwanese women’s images and the music actives in the domain of church music and church education.
Gov't Doc #: NSC98-2410-H009-030
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/101353
Appears in Collections:Research Plans

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