标题: | 一个整合普适计算环境的运作机制之研究---无线感测网路上省电之资料管理技术之研究 A Study of Energy Conserving Data Management Techniques over Wireless Sensor Networks |
作者: | 黄俊龙 Huang Jiun-Long 国立交通大学资讯工程学系(所) |
关键字: | 无线感测网路;估计查询;空间关联性;位置管理;资料传播;wireless sensor network;approximate query;spatial correlation;location management;data dissemination |
公开日期: | 2009 |
摘要: | 随着无线感测网路技术的进步,未來生活环境中,将布满感测器,用以监测并搜集和生活环境相关的资料。此外,感测器间亦会利用无线网路互相連结形成一无线感测网路。然而无线感测网路具有低耗电、不具庞大记忆单元、低无线网路通讯频宽及硬体运算能力较弱等限制。因无线感测器之限制,使得在无线感测网路上的资料处理、查询与传统分散式系统有所不同,且这些限制使得如何在有限的资源内,提供低耗电,有效率之资料处理与查询成为日渐重要的课题。 本计画为一为期三年之计画,探讨在无线感测网路下,如何有效率处理使用者的查询。第一年的工作重点在于设计省电的位置管理(location management)机制,目的在于设计省电的物计位置估计查询处理方法。具体的工作内容包括(1)研发阶层式之位置伺服器(Hierarchical Location Servers)架构;(2)设计处理估计查询之讯息流程:(3) 研发位置伺服器的移动与复制演算法及(4)设计更新讯息的多重播送(multicast)方法。在第二年里,我们将着重于感测器读数的查询。我们将考虑在使用者能接着某种程度误差的情形下,如何有效率地收集或查询感测器的读数。具体的工作内容包括(1)设计合适的关联性评估公式;(2)设计感测器群集演算法;(3)设计多代表点群集演算法及(4)设计群集维持(maintenance)机制。在第三年的研究中,我们将探讨在大规模的感测网路上如果有效地进行资料传播(data dissemination)。主要工作内容包括(1)设计角色化阶层式资料传播机制;(2) 设计事件侦测机制之流程;(3) 设计Sink 节点位址注册机制之流程与(4) 设计资料传输机制之流程。近年來,无論工业界或是学术界对于无线感测网路均相当的重视并且投入大量的人力及研究,无线感测网路于农业应用极为适合,我们相信此计画之执行,将可研发出适用于无线感测网路系统中的资料处理前瞻性技术。 The growing advance in wireless communications and electronics makes the development of low-cost and low-power sensors possible. These sensors are usually small in size and are able to communicate with other sensors in short distances wirelessly. A sensor network consists of a number of sensors which cooperates with one another to accomplish some tasks. Sensors can be deployed either in a random or in a predetermined manner. Since being self-organized, sensors are able to form a sensor network automatically. Due to the characteristics of wireless communication and configuration-free deployment, sensor networks are suitable for various application areas including inventory management, product quality monitoring and disaster area monitoring. This project aims at designing energy-efficient data management schemes in wireless sensor networks. Our primary goals include (1) developing a hierarchical location management architecture, (2) devising approximate query processing schemes, and (3) designing location server moving and replicating algorithms and (4) devising location update mechanism. Next, by exploiting the spatial correlation among sensors, we will (1) develop a similarity measure metric suitable for wireless sensor networks, (2) design a hybrid sensor clustering algorithms, (3) design an algorithm to select multiple representatives for each cluster, and (4) devise a cluster maintenance mechanism. Then, we will develop an energy-efficiency data dissemination scheme on large-scale sensor networks. Our goals includes (1) proposing a role-based data dissemination scheme, designing (2) an event detection scheme, (2) a sink registration scheme and (3) a data forwarding scheme for the proposed data dissemination scheme. In view of the increasing attention on wireless sensor networks, we strongly believe this project is very timely and will deliver results of both theoretical and practical importance. |
官方说明文件#: | NSC98-2221-E009-071 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/101388 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=1898733&docId=314434 |
显示于类别: | Research Plans |
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