標題: 憤怒駕駛傾向之量測兼論人格特質與性別角色之影響
Measuring of Propensity of Angry Driving and Influence on Characteristics and Gender Role
作者: 張新立
關鍵字: 憤怒駕駛傾向;性別角色;衝動性;冒險性;同理心;Propensity of Angry Driving;Gender-Role;Impulsiveness;Venturesomeness;Empathy
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 憤怒駕駛是一種相當危險之駕駛行為,對駕駛人本身或其他用路人均造成相當嚴重 之交通安全威脅。憤怒駕駛行為之發生除了與駕駛之人格特質有關外,道路上交通狀況 及其他用路人之行為等外來之刺激往往也是誘發憤怒駕駛之重要因素。本研究基於推動 全民安全駕駛之需要,擬透過系統化之探索,嘗試了解國人之憤怒駕駛傾向及其影響因 素,以協助相關對策之研擬。本研究首先利用試題反應理論,以駕駛中可能面臨之情緒 刺激情境為試題,透過問卷收集駕駛人之可能情緒反應與因應行為,以發展「量測駕駛 人憤怒駕駛傾向」之量表。繼而透過Eysenck所發展之人格特質量表,嘗試探索衝動性、 冒險性與同理心對發生憤怒駕駛行為的影響。另配合過去研究發現性別角色對處理情緒 事務之不同行為表現方式,本研究亦納入性別角色之課題,探討性別角色對憤怒駕駛傾 向之影響。本研究之結果可作為我國駕駛教育及交通安全宣導之重要參考資訊,教導民 眾何種駕駛行為易激怒車流中之其他駕駛人並引來憤怒之報復,更可透過宣導提醒具高 憤怒駕駛傾向之駕駛人注意並控制自己的情緒,以防止交通事故之發生。
Angry driving is a kind of extremely dangerous driving behavior that severely threatens the traffic safety of drivers themselves and others passed-by. The angry driving behavior is not only caused by the stimulus of aggressive driving of other drivers and uncomfortable traffic conditions on the road, but also associated with the personality of drivers themselves. Therefore, this study is conducted to develop an approach to measuring the propensity of angry driving for drivers and explore its influential factors. Some situations, which might stimulate drivers’ angry reactions when driving on the road, are designed as the items to measure the propensity of angry driving for drivers. And the Item Response Theory (IRT) is then employed to estimate the parameters of item difficulties and persons’ propensities of angry driving. This study also applies the personality questionnaire from Eysenck developed in 1985 to explore how the impulsiveness, venturesomeness and empathy influence the propensity of angry driving. Furthermore, in response to previous study finding that different gender-roles will have different ways to handle the mood business, we also include the issue of how the gender-role influences the propensity of angry driving in this study. We really hope the study results could provide valuable information for driver education and traffic safety promotion, and help the government to develop some effective strategies to prevent drivers from angry driving.
官方說明文件#: NSC98-2410-H009-014
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/101566


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