標題: 客家族群產業經濟研究─以頭前溪為例
Hakka industry economic study-Take the Touciian-river as the example
作者: 黃紹恆
Huang, Shaw-Herng
關鍵字: 新竹;頭前溪;客家產業經濟;Hsinchu;Touciian River;Hakka industry economy
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 本研究特別著重於今日台灣客家族群在此流域所留下的各種史料、紀錄,以此聚焦於客家人在此流域近三百餘年如何入墾經營、開枝散葉。特別試圖就產業經濟方面,給予貫時且具體之客家歷史圖像。由於仍為初步的探索,因此本報告目前仍有留有許多今後必須考據、補充乃至更正之觀點;此外,亦暫時不將主要為福佬人族群聚居,卻對丘陵與山岳地帶的客家人、原住民族群有深刻影響的新竹市(城)及原客閩間的族群關係,列入論述對象。
This research specially focuses on the historic materials and records remaining in this drainage area by Taiwan Hakka ethnicity as well as on how the Hakka ethnicity cultivated and settled in this drainage area in the past over 300 years, and tries to portray a longitudinal and detailed historical image of Hakka ethnicity especially in the industrial and economic aspects. Because this report is just a primary exploration, there are many views which must be criticized, supplemented and corrected in the future. In addition, this research doesn’t discuss the inhabitation of Hoklo ethnicity, but discusses the Hakka people in hilly and mountainous area, the Hsinchu City deeply influenced by Hakka people and Formosan aborigines, and the ethnicity relations between original Hakka and Fukien.
官方說明文件#: 98-0399-06-05-04-08
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/101585


  1. RRPG98050128.pdf

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