標題: | 新苗地區客家族群與原住民互動歷史之研究(1895-1950) Research on Interactive History of Hakka and Aborigines in Hsin-Miao Region,1895-1950 |
作者: | 詹素娟 Chan, Su Chuan 國立交通大學{國際客家研究中心} |
關鍵字: | 新苗地區;客家;熟番社群;生番社群;族群關係;Hsinchu-Miaoli Area;Hakka;Cooked Barbarians;Raw Barbarians;Ethnic Relation |
公開日期: | 2009 |
摘要: | 四溪流域的原住民族,以鳳山溪、頭前溪、中港溪、後壠溪中下游的「熟番」社群(即竹塹社及後壠五社)、上游的「生番」社群(南、北賽夏及泰雅族石加路、金那基社群)為主。本研究的目的在:(一)建構客家族群與不同性質、地區原住民族的接觸歷史。(二)分析此一歷史過程對日治時代客家族群「形成」的影響,特別指對研究地區的客家聚落及社會的內部發展與凝聚,產生何種形塑或連動(如破除祖籍界線)的影響力。(三)探究不同性質的原住民族接觸經驗,是否亦促成新苗地區客家族群依其分布及區域的不同,於「在地化」後產生內部差異。 經由上述的研究,可以客家族群在不同時間階段、在四溪中下游及上游等相異區域,與社會性質頗為不同的原住民之接觸歷史、互動經驗為主軸,探討這些歷史經驗對客家族群的形塑,係促成其更趨同質性或進而產生因地制宜的內部差異?客家與「熟番」社群部份的經驗,並可與福佬的差異經驗做進一步的比較研究。 There were two aborigine’s communities living along the Feng-shan, Tou-chien, Chung-kang, and Hou-lung Rivers: namely the downriver “cooked barbarians” (Chu-chien and Hou-lung five villages) and the upriver “raw barbarians” (Saisiat and Tayal). The research aims at three objectives: (1) constructing the history of contact between the Hakka and the aborigines in different areas; (2) analyzing the impact of the aforementioned historical process on the formation of Hakka ethnic group in the later Japanese period, with special attention given to the social development and integration (e.g., the breaking-up of identities based on places of origin) in the Hakka villages/society; (3) exploring how the variations of contact experiences affected the process and the nature of localization. The abovementioned research outcome could be utilized to compare with that of both the “Cooked Barbarians” and the Hoklo respectively. |
官方說明文件#: | 98-0399-06-05-04-27 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/101593 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=1835880&docId=304963 |
Appears in Collections: | Research Plans |
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