標題: 價格調整型態對網路商店價格形象、公平認知和信任的影響
The Influence of Price Change Pattern on E-Store Price Image, Perceived Fairness and Trust
作者: 黃仁宏
關鍵字: 訂價;參考價格;Pricing;Reference Price
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 動態調整價格是網路商店重要的工作。本研究探討價格調整型態對網路商店價格形象、 公平認知和信任的影響。參考價格過去有許多研究,但很少有研究探討價格調整型態的 影響。本研究將操弄價格變動方式,做四個實驗,其結果將可顯示那種價格調降策略較 可產生低價形象、增進消費者的公平認知和信任。同樣的,實驗也可找出那種價格調高 策略較可產生低價形象、增進消費者的公平認知和信任。理論上和實務上寓意也將加以 探討。
Changing prices dynamically becomes a crucial task for e-retailers. This research examines the effects of e-tailers' price change pattern on consumers' perceptions of price fairness, price image, and online trust.While reference prices have been studied extensive in the past, few examine the effect of price change pattern on the Internet. Four studies will be conducted by manipulating price changes over time. The results will show which price-decreasing strategy can create lowest price image, enhance e-consumers' perceived price fairness, and increase online trust. Similarly, a price-increasing strategy can also be found to create highest price image, reduce e-consumers' perceived price fairness, and diminish online trust among various price-increasing strategies. Theoretical and empirical implications will be explored.
官方說明文件#: NSC98-2410-H009-013
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/101610