標題: 國家區域公共運輸服務指標調查示範計畫(2/2)
作者: 王晉元
關鍵字: 公共運輸;服務指標
公開日期: 2014
摘要: 目前我國聰明公車之建置均已具備良好之基礎,同時,在公路及市區汽車客運部分亦已建立完整之路線、站牌等相關重要資訊,如何以上述系統為基礎,結合數值路網地圖,將軌道及公路,並將各地免費公車納入,嘗試建構我國現有之公共運輸供給網絡,再將相關部會之重要社經條件資訊納入,藉以建立我國公共運輸系統相關指標,除有助於了解各縣市或鄉鎮區在不同社經條件下之公共運輸供給狀況外,更有助於強化現況不足之部分。研究結果將有助於交通部及公路總局於執行「公路公共運輸計畫」時,重新檢視公共運輸資源之配置是否合理,並可有效因應未來社經條件變化而做重新調整,更有助於提昇整體公共運輸服務水準及民眾滿意度。
The developments of real time bus information system are mature in most areas in Taiwan. At the mean time, the basic database of public transit routes and stops are also well established. The main purpose of this study is developing an effective index for evaluating the sufficiency and effectiveness of public transit system by integrating all relevant information. We also need to consider the relevant social oriented data such as income levels, resident density, and job opportunities to make the proposed index practical. With the help of this index, we expect to identify the weakness of public transit service in each area and improve the coverage and fairness of public transit system.
官方說明文件#: MOTC-IOT-103-MEB004
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/101800