標題: 科技設施工程之設計階段決策流程評估模式(III)
Process Evaluation Model for Supporting Design-Phase Decisions of High-Tech Facility Construction Projects (III)
作者: 王維志
關鍵字: 規劃設計階段;支援決策評估模式;品質機能展開法;資料流程圖;科技設施工程;planning and design phases;decision-supported evaluation model;qualityfunction deployment (QFD);data flow diagram (DFD);high-tech facility construction
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 營建工程之興建過程包括規劃與設計階段,從工程業主(或協助業主之顧問或營建 管理顧問公司)的角度而言,當在概念及可行性研究(先期規劃)階段中,業主往往只能 提供一個初步概念或者若干需求,如何將這些概念與需求轉化成具體文字或圖表,據 以擬定設計準則,以作為建築師競圖之基礎,是此階段中極為重要之課題。在進入到 綜合規劃階段時,此時設計者依據設計準則,提出數個方案,如何系統化的評估出符 合業主需求之適當方案,以匡列專案工程的預算則是此階段的主要問題。當到初步與 細部設計階段時,如何逐漸地將細微的需求,詳細且有系統地納入設計圖說,以利最 後產出施工標所須之招標文件則是重點。在實務現況中,上述規劃設計階段涉及需求 問題的處理方式主要是透過會議討論並多僅仰賴於經驗,缺少有系統流程或方法來協 助管理,經常造成對於業主需求的分析與決策無法掌控,進而影響整體工程之需求無 法確實達成並延誤工程進展。若是涉及到科技設施工程,需求更加繁多且複雜,將使 得上述問題之解決更加困難。 過往研究針對營建專案管理主要仍以施工階段為主,對於針對規劃設計階段之流 程分析與決策管控十分稀少。本研究主要目的為建構一決策支援的流程評估模式,在 上述三個規劃設計階段執行過程中,協助業主來評估其需求是否具體化於各種設計產 出中。亦即,在概念及可行性研究階段,協助將業主明確與不明確之需求具體表達, 以作為設計師競圖之設計準則;在綜合規劃階段,協助業主選出適當的設計方案;以 及在設計階段,協助將業主詳細的需求完整的表達在設計圖說中。 本研究計畫之期程為三年,依序對上述三個規劃設計階段進行研究,藉由專家訪 談及文獻回顧瞭解各階段實務現況中所面臨的需求整合、需求轉化及決策等問題;利 用品質機能展開法、資料流程圖等方法,系統化建構出決策流程評估模式;最後並以 電腦化呈現,並藉由三個科技設施案例來驗證所建構之模式。本計畫已完成第一(96) 年計畫,目前正執行第二(97)年計畫,有關目前初步研究成果詳本計畫內容以及已完成 之96 年度國科會研究報告,此計劃書為申請第三(98)年計畫。
Constructing a facility includes planning and design phases. From the viewpoint of project management team, materializing the project owner’s needs/requirements into concrete design guidelines is crucial for selecting a capable architect/engineer (A/E) during the conceptual planning and feasibility study phase. Systematically evaluating the design alternatives proposed by the A/E is a major task in the planning phase. Finally, design review to ensure that the selected design alternative meets the owner’s needs is the focus in the (preliminary and detailed) design phase. In practice, ensuring whether or not the owner’s needs are met frequently is to conduct numerous review meetings and is highly experienced-based. Without a systematic model to step-by-step advice the project management team to take appropriate management actions in the planning and design phases, the deliverables generated in each phase frequently cannot satisfy the owner’s needs. This practical problem will be particularly highlighted for a high-tech facility construction project which involves much complicated owner’s needs. Past studies have paid less attention to the evaluation of the design process and deliverables for supporting project management teams. The main objective of this three-year research is to develop a process-based evaluation model for supporting the planning and design phase for high-tech facility construction projects. In conducting this research, expert interviews and literature review will be used to further understand the problems and past studies. Then, the research will apply quality function deployment (QFD) and data flow diagram (DFD) to help build up the model. Eventually, the model will be computerized and validated by the three high-tech facility construction projects located in Taiwan. Currently, the first-year research has been completed. The second-year research is undergoing. The preliminary results of the research are included in Section 2.5 of this third-year proposal.
官方說明文件#: NSC98-2221-E009-169
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/101846
Appears in Collections:Research Plans

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