標題: 兩岸三地貨櫃港埠競合關係分析與我國貨櫃港埠之因應發展策略
Analysis of Co-Opetition between Container Ports across Taiwan Strait and the Corresponding Strategies of Ports Development in Taiwan
作者: 黃承傳
關鍵字: 港埠競合;時間序列分析;情境分析;多準則評估;Port Co-opetition;Time Series Analysis;Structural Equation Modeling;Scenarios Analysis;Multiple Criteria Evaluation
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 兩岸三地貨櫃港埠競合關係分析與我國貨櫃港埠之因應發展策略 Analysis of Co-opetition Between Container Ports Across Taiwan Strait and the Corresponding Strategies of Ports Development in Taiwan 在國際海運物流體系中,許多大型航商為了強化其市場主導能力,除了採取各種 同業間的策略聯盟外,也紛紛參與港埠投資建設與營運業務,或加強與碼頭營運、內 陸運輸、倉儲與物流服務等相關業者之合作。這種市場結構的改變趨勢,使得同一區 域內貨櫃港埠之間的競爭與合作關係更加複雜,港埠主管當局如何採取適當的策略以 因應營運環境的變化,也更具挑戰性。台灣位居全球海運貨櫃市場最興盛的東亞地區, 面臨中國大陸貨源快速成長、新興港埠不斷的堀起,以及其他港埠的競爭,如何因應, 為一值得重視的問題。本計畫主要目的首先在釐清二岸三地主要貨櫃埠之間的競合關 係及其影響因素與因果關係,繼而將針對與我國具有競爭關係的港埠,深入探討其相 對的優勢與劣勢。最後再綜合理論分析與參考實務上各種港埠合作的方式與策略,研 議我國貨櫃港埠適宜的分工合作發展策略,以強化整體競爭力。擬採用的研究方法主 要包括時間序列分析、結構方程模式、情境分析以及多準則評估方法等。
兩岸三地貨櫃港埠競合關係分析與我國貨櫃港埠之因應發展策略 Analysis of Co-opetition Between Container Ports Across Taiwan Strait and the Corresponding Strategies of Ports Development in Taiwan In order to enhance market power of international container shipping transportation, many major liners have participated in port construction projects and related operating business, and/or integrated cooperation with terminal operators, inland transportation companies, warhouse and other service providers. Co-opetition between container ports in a same region becomes more complicate, due to this change in market structure. To adopt proper strategies of future development becomes a more challenged task for many port administrators. East Asia is the most booming region in the global container transportation market, in which port authorities of Taiwan have faced the above-mentioned problem as well, and the situation is very critical, considering the fast port development in Mainland China. The problem is worth being thoroughly studied. The main objectives of this study is firstly to clearify the complex co-opetition among major container ports across Taiwan Strait, and to explore the major influence factors, as well as their causal relationships. Relative advantages and disadvantages of ports with competitive relation to the container ports in Taiwan will be analyzed. Finally, appropriate strategies of port development to enhance overall competitiveness for Taiwan will be proposed, based on the theoretical analysis and prior knowledge of practical experiences in various type of inter-ports cooperation. Quantitative methods such as Time Series Analysis, Structural Equation Modeling, Scenarios Analysis, and Multiple Criteria Evaluation etc. will be used in this study.
官方說明文件#: NSC97-2221-E009-123
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/101922


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