標題: BTA深孔鑽精準制振與減油潤滑之研究及系統開發
Precision Vibration Suppression and Minimum Quantity Lubrication for BTA Deep Hole Drilling and the Corresponding System Development
作者: 秦繼華
關鍵字: 深孔鑽;刀桿動態;磁流變液;貧油切削;deep hole drilling;shaft dynamics;magnetorheological fluid;minimum quantitylubrication
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 深孔鑽是高附加價值的加工方式,主要用在航太、汽車與國防工業上,其加工品質 高於一般傳統金屬加工。過往的研究顯示,深孔鑽的長刀桿本身具有動態,若能對 刀桿精準制振,將進一步提高深孔鑽削的品質,本計畫將研發刀桿精準制振器,利 用磁流變液可改變阻尼的特性,在刀桿振動模態發生的關鍵位置,針對不同加工參 數,做刀桿精準制振,使特定刀桿振動模態受到制約,進一步提升深孔加工的品質。 此外,本計畫亦將進行深孔鑽的貧油切削研究,將設計油氣混合器,將壓縮空氣與 冷卻潤滑劑混合,觀察在保持加工品質、刀具壽命的基礎上,所能減少的冷卻潤滑 劑量。本計畫將使原本高品質的深孔加工,獲得進一步品質提升。
Deep hole drilling is a high quality, high value-added hole making technology essential to the aviation, automobile and defense industries. Past researches revealed that the long shaft of deep hole drilling has its own dynamics which may influence the hole quality in a negative way. This study will conduct precision suppression of shaft vibration with an aim to further improve hole making quality. Magnetorheological fluid dampers will be designed and installed with the knowledge of position and shape of vibration modes which may potentially take part in the drilling process. Precision suppression of shaft vibration will be studied. In addition to that, minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) will be studied for deep hole drilling process. Air-lubricant mixing adapter will be designed and the maximum lubricant reduction quantity will be analyzed on base of hole quality and tool life. The studies conducted in this project will further increase the quality and the value of deep hole drilling technology.
官方說明文件#: NSC97-2628-E009-024
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102005


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