標題: 擬真人物角色之動作、肌膚及衣著合成技術之研究---人物角色肌膚與衣著形變之研究
A Study on the Simulation of Skin-Muscle and Cloth Deformation for Human Characters
作者: 施仁忠
關鍵字: 電腦繪圖;電腦動畫;彈簧-質點物理模式;碰撞偵測;形變;Computer Graphics;Computer Animation;Spring-Mass Physical Model;Collision Detection;Deformation.
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 在人物角色動畫中,衣著具有包裝的效果,可增強角色的逼真程度,然而衣物要正 確的展現人物角色之身材,則需要有擬真的肌膚形態,本子計畫將以三年的時間針對這 個主題進行深入的研究,並發展雛形系統,結合第一、三子計畫的成果,完成完整的人 物角色動畫模擬,可應用於3D 遊戲中。 第一年我們將先進行即時衣服動態模擬,包含彈簧-質點的衣服動態方程式建構、 衣服模型伸長、剪變及彎曲能量方程式建構、衣服微分方程式模型與數值積分系統建 構、衣服與物件碰撞偵測與碰撞反應力計算、衣服與衣服自我碰撞偵測與自我碰撞反應 力計算、3D 虛擬衣料即時動畫、及3D 虛擬衣料與物件互動等工作。第二年將進行人物 角色衣物模型與即時衣服動畫系統之整合,包含衣服布塊縫合建構、階層式衣服表面平 滑化、衣服動畫碰撞偵測與動態模擬系統整合、虛擬衣服設計與建構、衣服穿著過程設 計與建構、衣服與人物連動計算、及完整的3D 虛擬衣服即時動畫。第三年將進行人物 肌肉皮膚動畫系統與衣服動畫系統整合,包含人物骨骼動作與肌肉模型建構、肌肉收縮 與形變模型建構、皮膚形變模型建構、肌肉與皮膚動畫系統整合與測試、及衣服動畫與 人物肌肉皮膚動畫系統整合。
In human character animation, clothes can enhance the realism of characters. Besides we need realistic skip-muscle shape and then clothes can accurately represent the body of human characters. In this sub-project, we plan to study this topic deeply in three years and develop the software prototype. Then, combining the results of the first and second sub-projects, we are going to establish a complete simulation of human character animation and apply in the animation of 3D game. In the first year, we focus on the real-time simulation of clothes dynamics, including: the development of spring-mass clothes dynamics equation, the energy equation of clothes deformation, differential equation and numerical integrating system, collision detection and response between clothes and objects, self-collision detection, 3D virtual clothes real-time animation, and the interaction between virtual clothes and objects. In the second year, we are going to integrate the human clothed model and clothes animation system. The works include: the connection among clothes, hierarchical clothes smoothing, design of virtual clothes, clothing process design, the connection between clothes and human model, and a complete 3D virtual clothes animation. In the last year, we focus on the integration of skin-muscle and clothes animation including: the human skeleton and muscle animation model, muscle deformation model, skin deformation model, the integration of muscle and skin, and the integration of clothes animation and skin-muscle animation.
官方說明文件#: NSC95-2221-E009-169-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102127
Appears in Collections:Research Plans