標題: 台灣有線電視集團併購過程中之組織認同、上下司溝通與衝突管理研究
Organizational Identity, Superior-Subordinate Communication and Conflict Management during the Post-Period of Merger and Acquision---A Study on Taiwan's Cable Televiison Industry
作者: 李美華
關鍵字: 媒體產業的併購;組織文化;組織認同;資訊尋求;衝突解決;Merger & acquisition in media industry;organizational culture;organizational identity;information seeking;and conflict management
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 台灣在過去二十年來媒體產業的併購相當的普遍,而相關的研究也相當多, 然而正如美國的文獻所示,這些文獻全部集中在財務、市場經營策略、及高層人 員去留等等的議題,幾乎很少探討在併購的過程中或併購後影響最大的員工以及 組織文化所產生的衝突等問題,根據相關的研究所示,組織在併購過程中影響最 大的就是不同的組織文化如何整併在一起,而產生所謂的組織認同的問題。另 外,在組織併購的過程中,員工產生很大的不確定感,因為他(她)們憂慮是否 能夠保有原有的職位等等相關的問題,導致員工無心工作,因此,在併購的過程 中,員工會產生極大的資訊需求,適當的滿足其需要的資訊,能夠使其安心工作, 而最能夠滿足員工資訊需求的關鍵人物就是其上司。最後,所謂組織的併購常常 就是把不同組織的員工放在一起工作,或是帶進了新一批的管理階層,因此,在 沒有合作的經驗前提下,員工或上下司的衝突非常的普遍,在這種關鍵時刻,如 何解決衝突,也是組織傳播很重要的議題。基於以上的觀點,本研究將從組織傳 播的觀點去探討組織併購後(The Post-Merger & Acquisition Period),組織 文化的衝突所產生的組織認同問題、員工資訊尋求行為所導致的上下司溝通關 係,及組織的衝突解決問題。
Since the late 1990s, Taiwan’s Cable television companies have been facing the global trend of mergers and acquisitions and many have become media conglomerates in order to better equip themselves in the highly competitive market. Mergers and acquisitions are examples of dramatic events that trigger various kinds of issues in terms of organizational culture and identity. Scholars are showing an increasing interest in how cultural differences between two media organizations affect the outcome of a merger. Moreover, studies have shown that the organizational culture of post mergers and acquisitions will have a great impact on media organization workers’ information-seeking behaviors, as well as conflict management behaviors. The current study employs both quantitative (multidimensional scaling and survey) and qualitative methods (in-depth interviews and focus groups) to study the organizational culture, organizational identity, superior-subordinate communication, information seeking, and conflict management during the post merger-and-acquisition period by the employees of Taiwan’s cable television companies.
官方說明文件#: NSC97-2410-H009-051
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102166


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