標題: 使用60GHz之室內十億級位元傳輸率之無線基頻傳收機---總計畫(I)
Core SoC Technologies for Indoor 60GHz Multi-Gbps Wireless Baseband Transceiver(I)
作者: 周世傑
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 本計畫目標在於開發前瞻之室內億級位元傳輸率基頻傳收機之SOC 設計技術及相
High Definition Multimedia Interface, WirelessHDMI)應用,以設計出相關標準之室內億級
位元傳輸率之無線基頻傳收機之關鍵IP 及系統晶片。計畫目標是發展下列關鍵技術包
1. 室內億級位元傳輸率之無線基頻傳收機及延伸至 WirelessHDMI 基頻傳收機之
2. 室內億級位元傳輸率之無線基頻傳收機之高性能、低功率之關鍵軟/硬矽智財
IFFT IP,LDPC 編解碼IP,空間—時間解碼IP 等…
3. 多核心及加速數器和平台設計及其在基頻數位信號處理之運算。
4. 前瞻電子層級之合成設計與驗證及系統評估。
5. SOC 整合設計與驗證流程發展。
塊之基頻訊號處理演算法之C (System C)與Matlab 設計及規格訂定,並建立設計與系統
平台與驗證環境,同時開始進行最上層之各功能方塊IP 之C (System C)與Matlab 系統
整合設計。第二年除了完成第一版各關鍵IP 之FPGA 及ASIC 設計及驗證,並利用多
The goal of this project is to develop core technologies and design platform for Wireless
Personal Area Network (WPAN) baseband transceiver. We will use the under developing
standard IEEE 802.15.3c for Multi-Gbps wireless personal area network (WPAN) as our
design platform. Furthermore, the system design and IP technologies will try to extend to
Wireless High Definition Multimedia Interface (WirelessHDMI) application. The objects are
to develop the following core technologies:
1. System design and performance evaluation of broadband transceiver receiver for
indoor 60GHz Multi-Gbps wireless baseband transceiver with extension to
WirelessHDMI application.
2. Low-power and high-performance ASIC soft/hard IP design for key function blocks
indoor 60GHz Multi-Gbps wireless baseband transceiver including front-end digital
resmapling IP, symbol synchronizer IP, channel estimator IP, carrier synchronizer IP,
FFT/IFFT IP, LDPC codec IP, space-time decoder IP, and etc..
3. Low-power and high-performance Multi-core platform and accelerator IP designs
for those aforementioned related baseband signal processing operations.
4. System evaluation and verification of baseband system by using Multi-core
5. Electronic System Level (ESL) synthesis and verification methodology for
communication IPs.
6. System integration, realizations and demonstrations.
All these core techniques will be developed by group project and five subprojects in
three years. In the first year, the algorithm of indoor 60GHz Multi-Gbps wireless baseband
transceiver will be coded in C (System C) and Matlab. The specifications evaluation of each
function will also be carried out. The system design flow and integrated methodology will be
setup to do system simulation. In the second year, the key modules and IPs will use FPGAs
and ASIC to verify their functionality and performance. Multi-core development environment
will be used to do the performance evaluation and verification. Also, more advanced
specifications will be investigated to improve the performance.
In the final year, we will improve the performance of the key IPs and will use Multi-core
platform with the developed IPs to do system prototyping and demonstration. Moreover,
Multi-mode possibility will be evaluated by combining different spec. of 802.15.3c or other
官方說明文件#: NSC97-2220-E009-037
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102557
Appears in Collections:Research Plans