標題: 新能源關鍵材料之研究規劃---染料敏化太陽能電池關鍵材料與元件技術開發(子計畫四)
Key Materials and Device Technology in Dssc
作者: 刁維光
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 本計畫的目的在於規劃染料敏化太陽能電池(DSSC)的關鍵材料與元 件技術之先期發展,並配合其相關之基礎研究,以便在未來結合國內 之化學、物理、材料、光電等專家學者,組成堅強之跨領域研發團隊, 共同開發出高效率的新一代DSSC 元組件,並以達成DSSC 之商品化 為其終極目標。我們規劃的五大發展方向分別是:(1) 新穎染料的設 計與合成; (2) 新型電極結構的開發;(3) 電解液的設計與改良; (4) 固態元件的開發;(5) 元件運作機理之探討。為驗證本規劃案之 確實可行,我們同時規劃參訪Grätzel 教授在瑞士的實驗室、日本工 研院(AIST)之DSSC 實驗室以及南韓Jae J. Ko 教授之先進材料實驗 室,並規劃執行兩個關鍵材料與元件開發的先期實驗:(a) 傳統DSSC 元件之最佳化工程;(b) 固態DSSC 元件之最佳化工程,以推動在交 通大學建立DSSC 元件製備與測試的重點實驗室,並建立未來DSSC 關鍵材料開發與鑑識的最佳化平台。最後我們將舉辦一場DSSC 小型 國際研討會,計畫邀請Grätzel、Ko 等教授來台演講並提供其寶貴經 驗與建言,使台灣學界未來在染敏太陽電池的研究方向更為明確,並 整合國內相關研究團隊擴大其國際合作的空間。
The goal of this proposal is to plan on the development of key materials and device technology as well as the related fundamental researches so that the performance of dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC) can be significantly improved for future commercialization. To achieve this ultimate goal, five directions are proposed to be developed: (1) The design and synthesis of novel photosensitizers for DSSC; (2) The development of new type working electrodes for DSSC; (3) The design and modification of liquid electrolytes; (4) The development of solid-state DSSC; (5) The operational principle of DSSC. To show the proposed plan is plausible, we plan to visit Prof. Grätzel’s laboratory in Switzland, AIST in Japan, and Prof. Jae J. Ko’s laboratory in Korea. To create the testing platform for the key materials applied in DSSC, two prior experiments are designed to be carried out within this proposal: (a) Optimization engineering of conventional DSSC device; (b) Optimization engineering of solid-state DSSC device. Finally we will hold a small international conference for DSSC. We will invite the key speakers like Profs. Grätzel, Ko, and other key scientists to visit Taiwan for giving us enlightening lectures on this popular topics, and to make close collaborations for the researchers in Taiwan with those in established international groups
官方說明文件#: NSC97-3114-M009-003
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102730
Appears in Collections:Research Plans

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