標題: 應用T-S模糊模型之順滑模態可靠度控制研究
Study of Reliable Sliding Mode Control Based on T-S Fuzzy System Model
作者: 梁耀文
關鍵字: 非線性控制系統;順滑模態控制;T-S模糊模型;可靠度控制;穩定性分析;軌跡追蹤;Nonlinear control systems;sliding mode control;T-S fuzzy model;reliable control;stabilizability analysis;tracking performance
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 隨著人類科技不斷的快速進步及推陳出新,使得大家的生活舒適程度及交通便捷性不斷的提昇,各種系統之設備規模、複雜程度、所投注的資金以及可能造成的災害威脅也因而大幅提高。因此,人們對於系統之安全性、可靠性及有效性的要求也變得格外殷切。由於系統的複雜程度不斷提昇,其所使用的控制策略、所需的計算時間以及其有效性便顯得格外重要,且這些因素往往決定了系統控制的品質與成敗。因此本計畫將研究採用T-S模糊模型(T-S fuzzy model)結合順滑模態(Sliding mode control)理論來進行可靠度控制器的分析與設計工作。採用順滑模態控制的原因在於它所擁有的高度穩健特性(Robustness)及快速的反應能力;而採用T-S模糊模型來進行分析與設計的主要原因是它只需計算相關的線性系統模型資料,這對於具有高度非線性的複雜系統而言,將可有效的減少計算時間,達到有效控制的目的。因此,在本研究計畫裡我們將利用兩年的時間來進行結合T-S模糊模型及順滑模態控制策略之可靠度控制器的研發。第一年探討如何結合T-S模糊模型及順滑模態控制策略進行可靠度控制的研發與性能分析。第二年將把第一年的理論研究成果應用到實際系統,達到有效控制及安全容錯的目標。
Due to the growing demands for system reliability in a highly automated industrial system and in aerospace missions, where repair and maintenance often can not be achieved immediately, the study of reliable control has become paramount importance and has attracted considerable attention. On the other hand, since the modern control systems are constructed more and more complicated, the employed control strategy and the time for controller implementation have become extreme importance. In fact, the two mentioned-factors have a strong relation to the quality and the efficiency of the control mission. In this project, we are about to combine the T-S fuzzy model approach and the Sliding Mode Control (SMC) scheme for alleviating the computational burden and promoting associated system reliability performances. The reason for adopting SMC scheme comes from its own advantages including responding rapidly and robustness to uncertainties and disturbances, while T-S fuzzy approach allows one to save lots of on-line computational burden, which is especially important for those systems with highly nonlinear and complicated dynamics. The combined scheme is expected to save lots of on-line computational burden while achieve efficiently control objective. In the first year of this project, we will explore the reliability issues using the combination of SMC scheme and T-S fuzzy approach. For the second year, we will study the application of the first year’s theoretical results to practical systems for efficient control and system reliability.
官方說明文件#: NSC97-2221-E009-087
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102749


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