標題: 基於 Google Android 平台之智慧型設備系統及其應用
Google Android Based Smart Device System and Its Applications
作者: 袁賢銘
關鍵字: Android;個人資訊管理;通訊錄;行事曆;通話管理;Android;Personal Information Management;Address Book;Calendar
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 手機硬體性能提升,電信業者的上網基礎建設日益成熟,智慧型手機已成為兵家必爭 之地。近年來,Symbian、Windows Mobile、RIM、iPhone 等智慧型手機平台的普及, 顯示高階智慧型手機的市場競爭激烈;由 Android 帶動的新一波開放性手機平台熱 潮,更對台灣產業昇級有很大的意義。 智慧型手機的成功,有很大的成份取決於搭載軟體服務的易用性。智慧型手機的用途, 除了傳統手機的電信功能(通話、簡訊、即時訊息)之外,還必須提供 PDA(個人數 位助理)的 PIM (個人資訊管理) 功能,更要以有創意的方式整合兩者,並開發新的使 用情境。然而目前智慧型手機所內建的軟體,不僅在 PIM 部份落後許多,更缺少整合 的設計。 本研究擬針對上述缺失,加上我們在分散式系統多年的研究及實作經驗,在開放原始 碼的 Google Android 平台上設計一套「Android 個人資訊與通訊管理整合系統」。 在「個人資訊管理」部份,本計畫將以 PIM 典型功能出發,設計出較 Android 內建 軟體更完整的通訊錄及行事曆服務。在「通訊管理」部份,本計畫將以 PIM 整合觀點 出發,將手機的通信功能(telephony、SMS、IM)依照人、時、事等屬性,與 PIM 的 通訊錄、行事曆等服務進行 seamless 的串接,以發揮智慧型手機該有的整體性,而不 是手機與 PDA 兩部門各自為政的下場。
Due to the improvement of mobile phone hardware capability, and the development of telecommunication core network, the smart mobile phone market is mature. In recent years, many smart mobile phone platforms, such as Symbian, Windows Mobile, RIM, iPhone is popular and widely used. Both of these trends show that the high level smart mobile phone is the future star. Moreover, the newly proposed Android platform is meaningful to Taiwan industry. The success of smart mobile phone is mainly contributed by the convenient of software installed on it. Beside the basic telecommunication functionalities, such as make a phone cal, short message, etc, the PIM (personal information management) and its application is also important. Moreover, the combination of both these features will inspire new innovations. However, the currently built-in software of smart mobile phones is not only lack of PIM but also lack of integration design. In order to solve these problems, based on our experiences of distributed system design/implementation, this project proposes a “Personal Information Management and Application Integration System” for the open source Google Android platform. In this project, we focus on two issues: personal information management, and communication management. In terms of personal information management, we provide more complete address book service and calendar service. In terms of communication management, we integrate the basic communication functionalities (such as telephony, SMS, IM) and the personal information to provide advanced applications. With our system, the smart mobile phone users can easily facilitate their personal information for advanced mobile communication.
官方說明文件#: NSC97-2218-E009-042
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102755


  1. 972218E009042.PDF

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