標題: 應用於無線通訊之低功耗基頻處理器
Low-Power Baseband Processors for Wireless Communications
作者: 李鎮宜
關鍵字: 基頻處理器;多模式;多標準;低成本;Baseband Processor;Multi-mode;Multi-Standard;Low-Cost
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 基頻訊號處理在無線通訊系統上扮演關鍵性的角色,不僅可有效提升傳輸的效 能,更能提供多模式和多標準的系統實現方案。然而要達成低成本和低功耗設計方法, 不僅對於個別模組的演算法需深入瞭解外,也必須融入系統層級的行為,方能提供一具 有技術競爭力的解決方案。因此在這三年的研究計畫,我們將針對OFDM主流無線通訊系 統所需求的關鍵模組(如FFT/IFFT、VD、TC、LDPC、等)進行相關議題的研究,除了將 個別模組的運算能力提升到1GS(十億訊號)以上的Throughput(吞吐量)外,同時探 討相關低功耗和低成本的設計方法,尤其如何在不同設計規範下達成多模和多標準的作 業模式,最後將此關鍵模組設計整合,並配合基頻訊號的同步模組電路,完成一符合多 模、多標準的低功耗基頻處理器。
Abstract: Signal processing in baseband processor designs plays a key role in wireless communication system designs—in not only improving overall system transmission performance, but also providing the capability of multi-mode and multi-standard for cost-effective system realization. To reach better performance indices in terms of low-cost and low-power, it is necessary to investigate system design methodologies, covering in-depth exploration of algorithms of key modules and exploitation of unique features/behaviors of a complete system. As a result, a more competitive solution can be delivered. In this 3-year (2008/8~2011/7) research proposal, we’ll concentrate on the key modules (FFT/IFFT, VD, TC, LDPC…etc) of the main-stream OFDM wireless communication systems. The first issue is to explore solutions for these core modules so that their throughput can be over 1GS. The second issue is the low-cost solution when different standards are taken into account. The third issue is the low-power solution for portable devices. In the end, these design techniques and key modules will be integrated on a design platform, together with synchronization modules, to come up with a multi-mode, multi-standard, and low-power baseband processor.
官方說明文件#: NSC97-2221-E009-166-MY3
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102841