標題: 完美主義者之學習---認知與情緒之探討(II)
Learning of Perfectionism---An Investigation of Cognition and Emotion(II, III)
作者: 方紫薇
關鍵字: 完美主義;沈溺想法;因應;社會支持;perfectionism;rumination;coping;social support
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 現代社會壓力越來越大,一些優秀學生卻因其完美主義,而在學習遭遇困境時產 生心理困擾。本研究乃針對大一學生面對學習壓力時,完美主義者之沈溺想法、因應 與情緒等之關係加以深入瞭解。因此本研究提出三年計畫,主要目的在1.暸解學生在 學習困境之下,完美主義者之沈溺想法、因應及情緒之交互作用的內涵及歷程。2. 探 討大一學生完美主義者在遭遇學習困境時,上述各變項上之差異。3.探討完美主義者 在網路上之正向認知、因應學習及社會支持之效果。4.檢驗大一學生經由網路上之正 向認知、因應學習及社會支持所產生效果之差異。期望藉由本研究所獲得之結果,可 作為後續研究及理論模式建立之用,且能在壓力漸增的時代及早預防,並進一步提出 有效防治或解決之道,及早讓學生能降低心理困擾,同時也提供教師、諮商師及家長 有效協助之參考。
Due to the increasing competition in the modern society some outstanding students suffer from psychological disturbances raised from perfectionism when they confront with learning obstacles. We are going to carry out a study aimed at the first year undergraduate (freshman) students to figure out how these perfectionists’rumination, coping and emotion when they are facing to the learning pressure. This study will be a three-year project and its main purposes are: 1. To understand the interaction between rumination, coping and emotion when they confront to the learning obstacles. 2. Compare the difference of these varying factors between freshman students. 3. To study the effects of positive cognitive and coping Internet-learning and the social support among these students. 4. To study the effects of positive cognitive and coping Internet-learning effect and social-support on the freshman students. We hope the result of this research can be a good reference for future studies and good basis for building up the theoretical model. It also can be used to bring up the method for the effective prevention against these learning obstacles among the students. At the same time it can provide good suggestions for the teachers, counselors, and parents when they need to assist these students.
官方說明文件#: NSC97-2410-H009-043
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102865
Appears in Collections:Research Plans