標題: 特殊二維光子晶體能帶分析與量子點的光電特性研究
Special Designed 2-Dimensional Photonic Crystal Bandsructures and Optoelectronic Properties of Quantum Dots
作者: 楊賜麟
關鍵字: 光子晶體;平面波展開法;完全能隙;量子點;光調制反射光譜;深層能階;photonic crystal;plane-wave expansion;complete bandgap;quantum dot;photoreflectance;deep level
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 本計畫擬進行特殊二維光子晶體及量子點光電特性的分析研究。在光 子晶體的模擬計算分析上,我們將設計特殊二維光子晶體結構、建立計算 光子晶體能帶的理論模型與平面波展開(plane-wave expansion)法的模擬 程式,比較分析多邊柱形-圓柱形及四邊柱形漸近切邊至正八邊柱形二維 光子晶體的TE 模態、TM 模態以及完全能隙的變化關係。期望能以完整、 循序漸進的方式,探討分析光子晶體能帶的決定因素及相關的物理機制。 而在量子點的光電特性研究上,乃針對InAs 量子點結構,以冷激光(PL)、 光調製反射光譜(PR)的方法進行其物理及光電特性研究分析,並探討侷 限結構對於InAs 量子點成長的影響,用以分析侷限結構對量子點的光學 表現、能階躍遷、重電洞與輕電洞的能帶偏移、尺寸均勻度、與侷限能力 等的影響。進一步的,我們利用光調製反射光譜的變溫、變頻量測方法, 配合阿瑞尼斯(Arrhenius)圖的擬合結果,分析出InAs 量子點結構中可能 的深層能階,以深入探討量子點結構的電子能態。
This project investigates the optical properties of specially designed 2-dimensional photonic crystals and optoelectronic properties of InAs quantum dots. We will build up the theoretical models and program codes with plane-wave expansion method to calculate the TE、TM mode and the complete band gaps of n-side polygonal, circular, edge cutting polygonal columned array photonic crystals. Following by systematic and complete analysis, the controlling factors and related mechanism determining the properties of optical bands of photonic crystals can be understood and utilized with confidence. We will use photoluminescence (PL) and photoreflectance (PR) techniques to measure the optoelectronic properties of self-assembled InAs quantum dots (QDs) covered with InAlAs/InGaAs composite layers. Several composite layer structures are considered to study the strain-reduced effects on the optical characteristics, transition energies, energy shifts, and barrier confinement of InAs QDs. Furthermore, PR technique and Arrhenius analysis are used to investigate the deep levels in the InAs QDs to explore deeply the electronic structures of QDs.
官方說明文件#: NSC96-2112-M009-033-MY2
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/102876
Appears in Collections:Research Plans