標題: 高中職科學教師尖端科技研究經驗培育計畫---風力發電教師培育計畫
A Program for Incubating Wind-Power Teachers
作者: 金大仁
關鍵字: 風力發電;風能;風力發電機;師資培育;網站;Wind Power. Wind Energy. Wind Turbine. Teacher Incubating. Website
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 本計畫擬藉師資培訓的方式推廣風力發電的技術和教育,其中參加培訓的教師將 從理論和實作兩方面學習有關風力發電的知識和技術。理論方面,學員將利用33 小時 學習風力機的系統設計、葉片及元件的分析與設計、複合材料元件的製作方法、元件 的振動分析及壽命評估等。實作方面,學員將利用21 小時學習到葉片及元件的製作、 元件的機械行為試驗、風力機的組立、風力機的效率量測及評估等。本計畫另將建立 一與風力發電相關的網站,介紹風能的相關資訊、申請單位在風力發電的發展概況、 參與學員的學習成果等,使此網站成為風能知識的傳播管道,並可成為教師與學員交 流及溝通的橋樑。
In this project, high-school teachers are trained to design wind power systems for promoting wind power education. They will learn the core knowledge of wind power technologies by taking classes and doing experiments. From the lectures and Labs, the trainees will study different aspects of wind power including analysis, design, and fabrication of wind power systems. In this program, a web site on wind power will be established to update the development and advancement of wind power technology. After completing this program, the trainees can also use the web site to exchange information and interact with other people interested in wind power.
官方說明文件#: NSC96-2514-S009-003
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/103093