標題: 台灣本土音樂家之影音典藏-李泰祥大師(交響詩篇)
The Native Musician of Taiwan -Tai-Hsiang Li Digital Archive (II)
作者: 黃明居
Hwang Ming-Jiu
關鍵字: 音樂數位典藏;台灣本土音樂家;李泰祥;Digital Archives of Music;Taiwan Native Musician;Indigenous People;Tai-hsiang Li
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 本計畫主要目的是建置一完整的台灣本土音樂家:李泰祥大師之影音數位典藏。 延續去年(95 年度)民歌與藝術篇之成果,今年將以李泰祥大師的大型編製及管絃樂 團創作為主軸,其涵蓋原住民歌謠及故事,客家民謠,台灣民謠,以及使用中國各地 方民謠為體現系統之交響詩畫歌謠。內容包括《大神祭》清唱劇、《鄉》台灣民謠交響 組曲、《天地人》交響詩、客家民謠《山和田》管絃樂及人聲作品、《狩獵》、《驚見霓 虹關》與《太虛吟I & II》等作品為主要數位化標的。 由目前計畫執行(8 個月)之成果,包括25 首民歌之各式樂譜(包括簡譜、人聲 演唱樂譜、鋼琴譜、絃樂譜、室內樂譜、交響樂譜與各種分譜等手稿)掃瞄檔案達 120GB;照片、樂曲文字解說、評論與其歌曲數位化等約80G(總共約200GB)可發 現,李泰祥大師之創作內容極為豐富,其作品具備奔放、熱烈、遼闊的等音樂風格, 並涉及各種不同規模與技法,多采多樣,可說在台灣獨創一格。未來將其作品數位化 並完整地典藏與公開於網路中,將對於我國「學術研究」、「教育」、「文化保存」、「文 化創新」與「產業」均具無限的價值與意義。
This project is to set up a complete digital archive of the native musician of Taiwan—Tai-hsaing Li. Continued the project in folk songs and related arts of last year, we will focus on digitalizing his orchestra works which include Taiwan tribal songs, tribal stories, Hakka folk songs, Taiwanese folk songs and all the others tribal songs in China. All of them are composed of a bountiful collection of symphonic poems. The major works are Da Shen Gi, Country Suites, Symphony of Heaven-Ground-People, Mountain and Field, Hunting, A Glimpse of Beauty at Battle, and the Empyrean. With 8 month effort of the current digitalization of the Li』s scores, the 25 folk songs have huge amount of sheet music ( ca. 120GB), such as general scores of different techniques and their parts of the instruments. Other archives like photographies, content descriptions, analytic reviews…etc have reached 80 GB (total amount about 200 GB). We found Li is very creative in musical composition. Having the characteristics of freedom, passion, and board-minded, his music is performed in various techniques, which is very unique in the music field of Taiwan. All these works will be accessed and available on the Internet, they are valuable in scholarly communication, education, cultural reservation, creation and its related industries.
官方說明文件#: NSC96-2422-H009-002
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/103123


  1. 962422H009002.PDF

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