標題: 台灣本土音樂家之影音典藏---李泰祥大師(藝術歌曲Lieder篇)
The Native Musician of Taiwan -Tai-Hsiang Li Digital Archive (VI)
作者: 黃明居
Hwang Ming-Jiu
關鍵字: 音樂數位典藏;台灣本土音樂家;李泰祥;藝術歌曲;Digital Archives of Music;Taiwan Native Musician;Tai-Hsiang Li;Lieder
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 本計畫主要目的是建置完整的「台灣本土音樂家:李泰祥大師之影音數位典藏」。 延續95 年度「民歌與藝術篇」、96 年度「交響樂篇」、及97 年度「室內樂與詩歌篇」, 為完整的典藏音樂家之作品,以達保存文化資產、及提供教育研究資訊的目的,98 年 度將以李老師近15 年來創作的藝術歌曲(Lieder)為主要數位化標的。此外,將嘗試 轉出整理李老師珍藏的60 年代各類影音盤帶內容。 藝術歌曲主要是採用詩歌作為歌詞,配上藝術化的旋律和伴奏,呈現高雅而精緻 的特質。李老師的藝術歌曲,在配樂上採鋼琴、小提琴、大提琴的三重奏,演唱方式 採用美聲唱法。藝術歌曲具豐富的藝術內涵,更具數位典藏價值。也由於藝術歌曲演 出時的樂團編制較小,聲樂家也較有意願、也較有機會演出,是值得數位典藏與推廣 的古典音樂類型。 本年度計畫預計達成:整理李老師藝術歌曲的各類型資料、建置台灣本土音樂家 完整的數位影音資料庫、提供數位樂譜資料庫與搜尋機制、詳實記錄創作動機與過程、 建立台灣音樂史料之影音詮釋資料架構、及發展數位典藏台灣藝術家之數位化標準模 式。將李泰祥老師的藝術歌曲數位化並完整地典藏與公開於網路中,期能對「學術研 究」、「教育傳承」、「文化保存」、「文化創新」、及「產業加值」等面向均有所 貢獻。
The purpose of this project is to build up a complete digital archive of the Native Taiwan Musician—Li, Tai-Hsiang. Based on the project results of 2006, 2007 and 2008, this year, 2009, we will focus on his classical work, lieder; and to transfer his recordings tapes of 1970s. Li considers his works in lieder to be some of his finest and most important works of all. The lyrics for these songs were derived from the poems of ancient Chinese and modern poets. Of highly artist and literary aspirations, Li’s lieder were worthy to be digitalized and archived. This project will complete following works: 1. To collect and catalog all material of his lieder, including scores, content descriptions, analytic review, and audio and video recordings; 2. To build up a complete digital archive of the Native Taiwan Musician—Li, Tai-Hsiang; 3. To setup a digitalized music score database with searching functions; 4. To build up the metadata format of Taiwan music; 5. To develop a standard operation process for digitalize native Taiwan artist. The results of this project will be accessed and available on the Internet. This Li, Tai-Hsiang digital archive will be highly valuable for research, education, cultural reservation, and music industrial development of Taiwan.
官方說明文件#: NSC98-2631-H009-003
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/101362


  1. 982631H009003.PDF

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