標題: 台灣本土音樂家之影音典藏---李泰祥大師(室內樂與詩歌篇)
The Native Musician of Taiwan---Tai-Hsiang Li Digital Archive (III)
作者: 黃明居
Hwang Ming-Jiu
關鍵字: 音樂數位典藏;台灣本土音樂家;李泰祥;Digital Archives of Music;Taiwan Native Musician;Indigenous People;Tai-hsiang Li
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 本計畫主要目的是建置一完整的台灣本土音樂家:李泰祥大師之影音數位典藏。延續95與96年度(民歌與藝術篇以及交響樂篇)之成果,本年度將追求典藏之完整性與教育性質的素材,以李泰祥大師於創作黃金時期(1979-1985)之作品,室內樂與詩歌為主要數位化標的。這個黃金年代,李泰祥因多元創作的歷練,大量混入各種元素在音樂表現中,室內樂表現出中國哲學思緒與生命情感,而詩歌中以音樂詮釋詩境,曲子裡音符的抑揚頓挫,與詩詞融合為一,唱來有如吟詩。室內樂作品如:《氣、斷、流》,意圖將中國美學觀念用抽象的表達方式突破,「氣」是不動的美,「斷」是斷裂之美,「流」是動態之美;其他如《生民》與《幻境三章》亦為同一時期的重要創作。其詩歌的作品,如:1984年創作的《錯誤》被譽為「現代抒情詩的絕唱」,由鄭愁予寫詞,李泰祥譜曲,其風格不侷限於中國風,還放了一段薩拉沙替的《流浪者之歌》片段,表達出中國韻味的音樂高度融合用西方音樂形式來表現,呈現色彩豐富的歌樂。這段時期由於李老師經常與詩人、文人或畫家來往,其創作的作品展現非常豐富的文學與美學意涵,非常值得數位化典藏,並推廣至教育。 由目前計畫執行(18個月)之成果,包括民歌,交響樂等各式樂譜(包括簡譜、人聲演唱樂譜、鋼琴譜、弦樂譜、室內樂譜、交響樂譜與各種分譜等手稿)掃瞄檔案達300GB;照片、樂曲文字解說、評論與其歌曲數位化等約150G(總共約450GB)可發現,李泰祥大師之創作內容極為豐富,其作品具備奔放、熱烈、遼闊的等音樂風格,並涉及各種不同規模與技法,多采多樣,可說在台灣獨創一格。未來將其作品數位化並完整地典藏與公開於網路中,將對於我國「學術研究」、「教育」、「文化保存」、「文化創新」與「產業」均具無限的價值與意義。
The purpose of this project is to set up a complete musical archives of the Native Taiwan Musician—Li, Tai-Hsiang. Continued the digitalization of 2006 and 2007, this year we will focus on the creative scores of Li’s golden age, 1979-1985 , which include the chamber music and the Lied, an art music contained poetry and music. Due to the practical creation in diverse music, he is very talent in combining different aspects in these years. The chamber music is a mixture of Chinese Philosophy and the feeling of lives. The Lied joined the modern poetry so well and all the rhythms performed like humming verses. For example, the chamber music” Chi, Duan, Liu “ is to present the Chinese aesthetic in musical language. The “Chi” is the steady spirit for the Chinese Philosophy, the Duan is considered as the contradistinction situation of Chinese aesthetic, the Liu is the inspiration of Chinese aesthetic. ”Sheng-ming” and “Three Chapters in Dream” are the other important formal music at the same time. Another example is the “Mistake” in 1984, was recognized as one of the best in Love poems, lyrics by Chaou-Yu Chen, composed by Li, the whole music style was not only in Chinese feature but also integrated with Sarasate’s Zigeunerweisen as a showpiece. Li is mastering in combination of Chinese melody with The Western, and he can mix them into marvelous counterpoints. He also have deep relation with modern poets , writers and painters, these influence his music has a lot of implication in Fine Arts and Literal Art. All these master pieces which join these features were worthwhile to be digitalized and treated as educational materials for the Art classes today. For an eighteen-month process, we have collected different scores of folksongs and orchestra (ca. 300GB). Other archives like photography, content descriptions, analytic reviews…etc have reached 150 GB (total amount about 450 GB). We found Li is very creative in musical composition. Having the characteristics of freedom, passion, and board-minded, his music is performed in various techniques, which is very unique in the music field of Taiwan. All these works will be accessed and available on the Internet, they are valuable in scholarly communication, education, cultural reservation, cultural creation and its related industries.
官方說明文件#: NSC97-2631-H009-004
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/101920


  1. 972631H009004.PDF

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