標題: 浩然藝文數位典藏之學習與推廣計畫(III)
The Learning and Promotion on NCTU Folkartist Digital Musem
作者: 楊永良
關鍵字: 數位典藏;數位學習;資訊融入教學;資訊架構;ADDIE;資訊大六技能;Digital Archives;E-Learning;Information Technology Integrated into Instruction;Information Architecture;ADDIE;Big Six Skill
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 交通大學近年來積極參與國科會「數位博物館專案計畫」與「數位典藏國家型科技計畫」,並集結多年執行成果,成功建置「浩然藝文數位博物館」,其中包含音樂、美術、舞蹈、文學等多個數位典藏系統及數位博物館。 「浩然藝文數位博物館」之典藏非常豐富且珍貴,而活化如此豐富的數位化資源,是提出本計畫主要動機與目的。除了讓浩然藝文數位博物館的資源能確實成為學生學習與老師授課的素材來源外,亦希望能透過此計畫,培育藝文數位典藏內容教學與教案製作的人才。 本計畫主要工作項目包含:(1)以資訊架構理論設計與製作楊英風兒童藝術教育網、李泰祥兒童音樂教育網及布袋戲學習網;(2)數位學習管理平台建構;(3) 透過中小學老師研習與工作坊、交通大學通識課程、國中小學(含高中)課程試教等方式將浩然藝文數位博物館融入各級學校之教學,以培育數位典藏相關人才;(4) 運用ADDIE 教學設計理論與資訊大六技能(Big Six Skill)進行教學設計與教材教案開發;(5)出版教材:《李泰祥音樂精選》詩歌集、木笛合奏集與室內樂集、楊英風創作理念繪本及三款教學材料包、布袋戲鬼姑娘的傳說圖像故事書與電子書;以及(6)回饋與評估。
National Chiao Tung University has participated in the conduction of National Digital Archives Program (NDAP) for many years, and has successfully established the NCTU Folk-artist Digital Museum, which contains museums of music, arts, dances, literatures, among many other valuable digital museums. To utilize those precious and plenty Archives in NCTU Folk-artist Digital Museum is the motivation and purpose of this project. This project not only wants to let the resource of NCTU Folk-artist Digital Museum to be well used by learning and teaching, but also aims at training people for Digital Archives Program. The primary tasks of this project include: 1. Use the theory of Information Architecture to design and create YuYuYang Art Education Digital Museum, Tai-Hsiang Li Digital Museum and Palm Drama Digital Museum; 2. Use the NCTU's E-Learning Learning Management System (called E3) to store the teaching materials regarding the contents of the NCTU Folk-artist Digital Museum, and conduct E-learning instruction activities (such as discussion, examination, and forum); 3. Conduct teacher trainings and workshops, teaching in NCTU, and teaching in primary, secondary, and senior high schools for integrating the digital resources of the NCTU Folk-artist Digital Museum into education and training people for Digital Archives Program; 4. Apply ADDIE and Big Six Skill in the design and creation of teaching materials; 5. Publish “Tai-Hsiang Li’s Music Classics Collection”, Recorder ensemble and chamber music Collection, picture book of YuYuYang Art’s creation idea, paper sculpture D.I.Y. of YuYuYang Art’s and Palm Drama Legend of Ghost Bride’s picture book and e-books. 6. Feedback and evaluation.
官方說明文件#: NSC99-2631-H009-004
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/99826


  1. 992631H009004.PDF

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