標題: 運用網站日誌探勘與可用性測試於數位典藏網站評估
Digital Archives Evaluation by Web Log Mining and Usability Testing
作者: 池筑婷
Chih, Chu-Ting
Ke, Hao-Ren
Lin, B.M.T.
關鍵字: Web log mining;Information Architecture;Usability testing;網站日誌分析;資訊架構;可用性測試
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 對於一個擁有大量資料的網站,如果有一個適合的或是有用的資訊架構,它會吸引更多的用戶在此停留。在本論文中,我們試圖藉由網站探勘的方式,探討楊英風數位美術館是如何運作的。本論文的方法主要基於資訊架構的概念,專注於挖掘網站日誌的可用性測試。藉由這些評估的結果,本研究期望達到利用網站日誌分析,與楊英風數位美術館其資訊架構的組織系統作對照,也將可用性測試,其中的啟發式演練,應用到該網站。
With the great quantity of data in a website, it will attract more users to stay for a long time if there is desirable and useful information architecture. In this paper, we try to explore how the YuYu Yang Digital Museum works by the web mining technology. The approaches will mainly focus on web log mining by the usability testing based on the concept of information architecture. By the results of these evaluations, we hope to realize that utilizing the web logs analysis to compare the organization system in the information architecture of the Yu-Yu Yang Digital Museum website and applying the usability testing to our website by the technique, Heuristic Walkthroughs, which we adopt.


  1. 451402.pdf

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