標題: Method for visualizing a complicated metro map in a limited displaying area
作者: Wang Yu-Shuen
Chi Ming-Te
公開日期: 9-十二月-2014
摘要: The prevented invention provides a method to visualize complicated metro maps in a limited displaying area, in which the route to the passenger's destination is highlighted. In order to achieve high readability, it sets 1) the distance between neighboring stations to be equal, 2) the transportation lines to lie in octilinear directions, 3) the angles of incident edges at each station to be maximized, and 4) the station positions to be inside the displaying area. It also labels the names of stations that passenger will pass by to make the route navigation easy and intuitive.
官方說明文件#: G06T011/20
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/104321
專利國: USA
專利號碼: 08907954


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