標題: Parameter extraction method for semiconductor device
作者: Guo Jyh-Chyurn
Yeh Kuo-Liang
公開日期: 8-四月-2014
摘要: A parameter extraction method for semiconductor devices includes: providing a first multi-finger device and a second multi-finger device, wherein the gate-finger numbers between the first and second multi-finger devices are different; performing an open de-embedding, then the high-frequency test apparatus measuring a first intrinsic gate capacitance of the first multi-finger device and a second intrinsic gate capacitance of the second multi-finger device; calculating a slope according to the first and second intrinsic gate capacitances, and the first and second gate-finger numbers; performing a 3D capacitance simulation for computing the poly finger-end fringing capacitances; utilizing a long channel device for measuring the gate capacitance and extracting the intrinsic gate capacitance, then calculating an inversion channel capacitance per unit area; and computing a delta channel width of the semiconductor device, according to the slope, the poly finger-end fringing capacitance, and the inversion channel capacitance per unit area.
官方說明文件#: G01R031/26
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/104394
專利國: USA
專利號碼: 08691599


  1. 08691599.pdf

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