標題: Channel estimation technique for multi-carrier system
作者: Hung Kun-Chien
Lin David W.
公開日期: 20-三月-2012
摘要: The present invention relates to a channel estimation technique for multi-carrier system which uses pilot signal to first obtain pilot subcarrier channel responses, then estimate the mean delay and the root-mean-square delay spread of the channel, and then uses interpolation to obtain the channel responses of arbitrary subcarriers. The present invention is able to perform channel estimation and to accurately estimate various channel delay parameters (such as the initial delay, the mean delay, and the root-mean-square delay spread) with very low quantity of pilot signal and with low computational complexity. In addition, the present invention has broad applicability, as it does not require the channel power-delay profile to be of certain specific types and it can operate in systems where pilot subcarriers have an irregular configuration.
官方說明文件#: H04B001/10
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/104600
專利國: USA
專利號碼: 08139666


  1. 08139666.pdf

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