作者: HUANG Juinn-Dar
Lu Jhih-Hong
Lin Bu-Ching
Jou Jing-Yang
公開日期: 23-Jun-2011
摘要: A compressor tree synthesis algorithm, named DOCT, which guarantees the delay optimal implementation in LUT-based FPGAs. Given a targeted K-input LUT architecture, DOCT firstly derives a finite set of prime patterns as essential building blocks. Then, it shows that a delay optimal compressor tree can always be constructed by those derived prime patterns via integer linear programming (ILP). Without loss of delay optimality, a post-processing procedure is invoked to reduce the number of demanded LUTs for the generated compressor tree design. DOCT has been evaluated over a broad set of benchmark circuits. The DOCT reduces the depth of the compressor tree and the number of LUTs based on the modern 8-input LUT-based FPGA architecture.
官方說明文件#: G06F007/50
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/105289
專利國: USA
專利號碼: 20110153709
Appears in Collections:Patents

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