標題: Leakage current cut-off device for ternary content addressable memory
作者: Huang, Po-Tsang
Liu, Wen-Yen
Hwang, Wei
公開日期: 25-六月-2009
摘要: A leakage current cut-off device for a ternary content addressable memory is provided. The storage cell of a ternary content addressable memory may be in the active mode, data-retention mode and cut-off mode. This invention applies a multi-mode data retention power gating device to the storage cell of the ternary content addressable memory to reduce the leakage current through the storage cell in the data-retention mode and the cut-off mode, and support the full speed operation in the active mode.
官方說明文件#: G11C015/00
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/105517
專利國: USA
專利號碼: 20090161400


  1. 20090161400.pdf

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