標題: 房屋仲介從業人員之服務品質、消費者搜尋成本與顧客滿意度對顧客忠誠度之影響
The Influence of the Service Quality of Real Estate Agent Personnel, Consumers' Costs of House Search and Customers' Satisfactions on Consumers' Loyalty
作者: 李春長
Chun-Chang Lee
Chung-Hsien Yang
Shu-Man You
Yu-Juan Chiu
Institute of Business and Management
關鍵字: 服務品質;搜尋成本;顧客滿意度;顧客忠誠度;房屋仲介業;Service Quality;Search Costs;Customer Satisfaction;Customer Loyalty;Housing Brokerage Industry
公開日期: 1-一月-2011
摘要: 房屋仲介業爲成屋交易之主要媒介,提供買賣雙方資訊傳遞及撮合締約不可或缺的重要核心角色。過去研究大都著重於單一議題之探究,忽略服務的本質乃來自多層面向所架構而成之內涵,尤以房屋仲介業之經濟功能在於降低交易成本及資訊之傳遞,裨益於不動產交易安全制度之健全。本研究首先探討服務品質、顧客滿意度對房屋仲介公司忠誠度之影響;其次,進而探究買賣雙方自行搜尋房屋之成本愈高,是否對於房屋仲介公司之忠誠度亦愈高。本研究採用路徑分析爲研究途徑,以擁有高雄市房屋仲介接洽經驗的顧客爲研究對象,問卷總共發放530份,回收283份,其中有效回收252份,有效回收率爲47.5%。研究結果指出:(1)服務品質中之可靠性、保證性、同理心、有形性四個構面,預期會透過滿意度而顯著的影響消費者對房屋仲介公司之忠誠度;(2)買賣雙方自行搜尋房屋之成本愈高,則預期對房屋仲介公司之忠誠度亦愈高;(3)買方對房屋仲介公司之忠誠度顯著高於賣方;而是否曾委託過房屋仲介公司對於忠誠度並無顯著之差異。
Real estate brokers are the main media of estate trading who are a core role of passing information between both buyers and sellers and ensuring the success of each contract. Relevant researches conducted in the past mainly focused on single issues which ignored the fact that service is a multi-aspect construction and that the economic function of real estate agents is lowering the costs of trading and passing information which benefited from the complete security system of real estate trading. First, this research discussed the influence of the service quality and customers' satisfactions on consumers' loyalty to real estate agents. Second, this research analyzed whether higher buyer and sellers' costs of house search would lead to higher loyalty to real estate agents. This research adopted Path Analysis and investigated customers with experience of contacting the real estate agents in Kaohsiung City. A total of 530 questionnaires were distributed, among which 283 questionnaires were returned and 252 were valid; the valid return rate was 47.5%. The results are as follows: (1) the 4 dimensions of service quality: reliability, guarantee, sympathy and concreteness are expected to greatly influence consumers' loyalty to real estate agents through their satisfactions; (2) the higher both buyer and sellers' costs of house searching is, the higher their loyalty to real estate agents is; (3) buyers' loyalty to real estate agents is significantly higher than that of sellers. Moreover, there is no significant difference in the loyalty between buyers with or without experience of accepting the service of real estate agents.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/107825
ISSN: 1023-9863
期刊: 管理與系統
Journal of Management and Systems
Volume: 18
Issue: 1
起始頁: 113
結束頁: 142


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