Title: 網路廣告形式對吸引消費者注意之實驗分析
Experimental Analysis of Different Types of Internet Advertisements on Consumer Attention
Authors: 陳亭羽
Ting-Yu Chen
Kao-Wei Li
Institute of Business and Management
Keywords: 網際網路廣告;注意;刺激因子;實驗設計;網路問卷;Internet Advertisement;Attention;Stimulus Determinant;Experimental Design;Internet Questionnaire
Issue Date: 1-Apr-2005
Abstract: 隨著網際網路的快速發展,廠商意識到網際網路是其重要的行銷管道之一。網際網路廣告對廠商、消費者和廣告代理商皆有其好處,但前提是消費者要能注意到這些網際網路廣告才有效。因此本研究目的期望能找出較能吸引消費者注意的網際網路廣告形式及注意之刺激因子,進而對廠商提出在網際網路上行銷之建議與方法。在未來也可對廣告代理商訂出各種形式之網際網路廣告定價差異。本研究界定網際網路廣告形式(橫幅、按鈕、插播式、擴張式標題廣告)及影響注意之刺激因子(尺寸大小、位置、動化因子),接續進行實驗設計,並發展實驗網頁及網路問卷,最後將實驗問卷以電子郵件方式寄至台灣地區有網路使用經驗者作答。實驗結果指出網際網路形式廣告吸引注意程度依序為:插播式廣告、按鈕廣告、橫幅廣告、擴張式標題廣告;而在個別網際網路形式廣告中,橫幅廣告之大小及動化因子、按鈕廣告之位置及動化因子、插播式廣告之大小及位置及擴張式標題廣告之動化因子對於吸引注意程度皆具有顯著性的影響。最後,本研究對於相關應用課題做出具體之行銷建議。
With the rapid development of the Internet, the firms are conscious that the Internet has become an important marketing channel. The Internet advertisements will be a great benefit to the firms, consumers and advertising agents if consumers notice them. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to specify the types of Internet Advertisements and stimulus determinants influencing attention. In addition, some useful suggestions are provided for Internet marketing. The future research can focus on the strategy of price discrimination on Internet advertising. In this study, we first define the types of Internet Advertisements (including banner, button, interstitial, and expanding ads) and determine the stimulus factors of attention (including size, location, and movement). Then, we conduct an experimental design technique and develop experimental homepages and Internet questionnaires. Finally, through E-mail, we circulate Internet questionnaires to respondents with Internet-using experience. The experimental results indicate that the priority of attention-getting is: interstitial ads, button ads, banner ads, expanding ads. In view of separate type of Internet ads, the size and movement factors in banner ads have a significant influence on attention allocation. The significant influencing factors of button ads are location and movement, size and location factors for Interstitial ads, and movement factor for expanding ads. Finally, several marketing implications of Internet advertising are discussed and some valuable strategies are suggested for practical applications.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/107844
ISSN: 1023-9863
Journal: 管理與系統
Journal of Management and Systems
Volume: 12
Issue: 2
Begin Page: 1
End Page: 31
Appears in Collections:Journal of Management and System

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