標題: 關係連結與未來關係互動之研究-關係品質中介效果
A Study of Relationship Bonds and the Interaction of Future Relations: The Mediate Effect of Relationship Quality
作者: 黃識銘
Shyh-Ming Huang
Tai-Kuei Yu
Institute of Business and Management
關鍵字: 關係品質;'關係連結;Relationship Quality;Relational Bonds
公開日期: 1-Jul-2006
摘要: Morgan and Hunt (1994)提出關係行銷模式(Relationship marketing model),以主要中介變數(Key Mediating Variable, KMV)方式實證,關係品質的信任及承諾對未來關係的互動扮演重要角色。就長期而言,良好的關係品質可讓雙方關係持續,但應採取何種關係連結方能強化彼此未來的關係互動,則尚待深入研究。本研究以Berry and Parasuraman (1991)關係連結方式,結合Morgan and Hunt (1994)關係行銷觀點,以供應商銷售人員為調查對象,採用自陳式問卷方式蒐集258名第一線銷售人員,以LISREL進行研究模式驗證,結果顯示:只有「財務連結對信任」以及「社會連結對承諾」未獲得實證資料支持之外,結構連結正向影響關係品質的信任與承諾;關係品質的信任與承諾正向顯著影響未來關係互動;信任與承諾可作為關係連結與未來關係互動的主要中介變數。最後,本研究根據實證結果提出相關討論與建議。
Morgan and Hunt (1994) suggest that the relationship marketing model key mediating variable (KMV) found,trust and commitment is effects on the interaction of future relations play an important role. In the long term, good relationship quality continues both relations, but should use relationship bonds to help strengthen buyer-seller relations and interaction; so far, this is not enough. This study uses the concept of Berry and Parasuraman's (1991) relationship bonds combined with Morgan and Hunt's (1994) relationship marketing perspective; it investigates the supplier's salespeople and uses a questionnaire of informant self-report. The sample size was 258, using LISREL as a test model and hypothesis. Results found no significant evidence of the finance bond on trust or social bond on commitment; however, the structure bond can have positive effects on trust and commitment. Additionally, relationship quality (trust and commitment) has a significant positive effect on the interaction of future relations. This research also confirms that trust and commitment can play an important mediating variable role. Finally, the results are explored, with a suggestion of the limitation of our analysis for management and the academy.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/107964
ISSN: 1023-9863
期刊: 管理與系統
Journal of Management and Systems
Volume: 13
Issue: 3
起始頁: 265
結束頁: 292
Appears in Collections:Journal of Management and System

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