標題: 租書休閒活動之顧客價值內涵:區域與性別觀點
Customer Value of Book-Renting Activities: Geography and Sex Perspectives
作者: 黃淑琴
Shu-Chin Huang
Tzu-Chun Chen
Institute of Business and Management
關鍵字: 顧客價值;方法目的鏈;租書消費;Customer Value;Means-End Chain;Book-Renting Behavior
公開日期: 1-十月-2007
摘要: 租書消費是融合多元價值之理性與感性休閒體驗。本硏究目的在探究休閒消費之顧客價值內涵與聯結模式,以消費者之租書行為為例,利用開放式問卷,針對70位消費後的顧客,進行一對一的深度訪談。利用方法目的鏈,逐步引導顧客說出租書的心中價值。利用內容分析法建立「屬性-結果-價值」三個層次的編碼,並採用評審間信度與評審團法檢定信效度。透過價值階梯分析顯示,愉悅滿足、企圖心、安全自在、享受人生、友誼是租書消費所獲得的最終價值。不同性別與區域性的比較,明顯呈現不同的價值目標與層級結構。本硏究基於前述結果,解析租書消費之顧客價值內涵與層級,並延伸其行銷策略管理意涵,以供管理者與後續硏究參考。
Book-renting has been considered as a leisure activity that enables customers to obtain multiple values from their rational consuming behavior or experiential experiences. Under this consideration, the purpose of this study was to explore the meanings and the linkages of values toward customers' leisure activities. With the approach of Means-End Chain (MEC), the data were collected through one-to-one in-depth personal interviews of seventy customers with open-ended questionnaires to explore their concepts toward book-renting. By using the method of Content Analysis, the content codes of attributes, consequences and values were derived. The inter-coder agreement and Jury Approach were applied to examine the reliability of Content Analysis in this study. A HVM (hierarchical value map) was drawn to show the relationships among concepts. The results revealed that pleasures, ambition, security, life enjoyment and friendship were the subsequent values that followed attributes, consequences. Moreover, the customer' core values on book-renting were different among various geographic areas and sex groups. Strategic marketing implications and future research directions were recommended at the end to conclude this study.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/108004
ISSN: 1023-9863
期刊: 管理與系統
Journal of Management and Systems
Volume: 14
Issue: 4
起始頁: 603
結束頁: 621


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