標題: 中國大陸山寨手機價值鏈模式之比較研究
Analyzing the Value Chain Model of China Shanzhai Mobile Phone
作者: 蔡銘鴻
Tsai, Ming-Hung
Hu, Jin-Li
關鍵字: 山寨;價值鏈;顧客價值;Shanzhai;Value Chains;Customer Value
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 一項原本在全球市場中供應發展成熟的商品,在新進入消費者需求高度成長的新興市場時,國際市場的成功經驗不一定仍有效適行。行動電話在中國市場就是一個很好的例子。山寨機,中國大陸中灰牌手機業者的統稱,早期是各國際知名手機品牌經台灣OEM廠商代工後,負責生產或中國市場通路的廠商。藉由長期代理與生產手機的製造經驗以及對中國大陸本地消費者需求的了解,不但建立了新的價值鏈關係成功進入消費者市場,也成為國際品牌在中國大陸市場的強力競爭者。例如中國大陸山寨機成功品牌天宇朗通,在2009年成為在中國手機市場中市占率僅次於Nokia與Samsung的品牌,並搶進第3世界國家與國際品牌在其他新興市場展開競爭。本研究即以天宇朗通為例,比較研究中國大陸成功山寨產業其價值鏈中核心價值的發展模式,並以Barnes (2002)的行動商務價值鏈進行比較。本研究結論天宇朗通的成功模式不僅僅是模仿,成功改變產業價值鏈關係與進行更多增值活動,才是其競爭力的關鍵。同時在產品進入新階段的市場,仍必須透過重整產業價值鏈與增值活動,以保持產業價值鏈的關係與競爭力。
The global market experience does not always work well in mainland China and mobile phone market is a good example of this phenomenon. ‘Shanzhagi’ is generally referred as the grey brand mobile phone industry in mainland China, and Tianyu is the ‘King of Shanzhai’. In 2010, the mobile phone market share of Tianyu in mainland China is only ranked after the two leading international brands, Nokia and Samsung. By contrasting the value chain of Tianyu with Nokia and Samsung, it is found that Tianyu has different value chain activities and these activities make Tianyu become an effective competitor. This study is based on the mobile commerce value chain model released by Barnes (2002) and tries to address some advices for corporate to use of value-added activities in the value chain to maintain market competitiveness as they face the fast-changing market.