標題: 計算機網路 (英文授課)
Computer Networks
作者: 林盈達
Open Education Office
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 課程首頁 本課程是由交通大學資訊工程學系提供。 This graduate-level course is a part of a book project “Computer Networks, An Open Source Approach” published by McGraw Hills in Feb 2011. The book project is motivated by an observation that none of the previous textbooks on computer networks really demonstrate where and how network protocols and algorithms are implemented in real systems. This course covers why and how various protocols and algorithms are designed (domain knowledge) and implemented (hands-on skills) into Linux kernel, drivers, and various daemons. In short, physical and data link layers are embedded into network adaptors and their drivers, while IP and TCP/UDP layers are built into kernel; and various application servers stand as daemons. The loading for students includes 8 homework sets for the 8 chapters (hand-writing and hands-on), and midterm and final exams. Course slides for each chapter are downloadable from the course homepage. Feedbacks (error reporting or suggestions) to the book materials are much welcome. Class lectures are in English.
課程目標/概述 This graduate-level course is a part of a book project “Computer Networks, An Open Source Approach” published by McGraw Hills in Feb 2011. The book project is motivated by an observation that none of the previous textbooks on computer networks really demonstrate where and how network protocols and algorithms are implemented in real systems. This course covers why and how various protocols and algorithms are designed (domain knowledge) and implemented (hands-on skills) into Linux kernel, drivers, and various daemons. In short, physical and data link layers are embedded into network adaptors and their drivers, while IP and TCP/UDP layers are built into kernel; and various application servers stand as daemons. The loading for students includes 8 homework sets for the 8 chapters (hand-writing and hands-on), and midterm and final exams. Course slides for each chapter are downloadable from the course homepage. Feedbacks (error reporting or suggestions) to the book materials are much welcome. Class lectures are in English. 課程章節 課程章節 單元主題 第一章 Fundamentals 第二章 Physical Layer 第三章 Link Layer 第四章 Internet Protocol Layer 第五章 Transport Layer 第六章 Internet Services 第七章 Internet QoS 第八章 Network Security 參考書目 Computer Networks: An Open Source Approach, Ying-Dar Lin, Ren-Hung Hwang,Fred Baker, McGraw-Hill, Feb 2011. 評分標準 項目 百分比 八次作業 40% 期中考 30% 期末考 30%
預備知識:Data Structures, Algorithms, C Programming Skills
URI: http://ocw.nctu.edu.tw/course_detail.php?bgid=9&nid=275