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dc.description.abstract課程首頁 本課程是由交通大學資訊工程學系提供。 Computer Architecture is one of the few fundamental subjects that a computer scientist must master. It describes how a computer system should be designed, from the user’s and the system view. It differs from the undergraduate course Computer Organization in that, this course tells you not only how current computers are designed, but also the future directions in accordance with technological changes, plus many design techniques in depth.zh_TW
dc.description.abstract課程概述 Computer Architecture is one of the few fundamental subjects that a computer scientist must master. It describes how a computer system should be designed, from the user’s and the system view. It differs from the undergraduate course Computer Organization in that, this course tells you not only how current computers are designed, but also the future directions in accordance with technological changes, plus many design techniques in depth. 課程章節 單元主題 單元內容 授課時數 Processor architecture Introduction—Computer Architecture, Instruction Set Architecture, Technology Trends, and Quantitative Evaluation Performance and Pipeline Review Memory Hierarchy Review Instruction Level Parallelism Limits to ILP and Simultaneous Multithreading 17小時 Parallel processing Vector Computers Multiprocessor Introduction Snooping Cache and Directory Based Multiprocessors Advanced Memory Hierarchy (Other Related Topics) 16小時 Project presentations Student group term project presentations 12小時 課程書目 “Computer Architecture, A Quantitative Approach,” 4th Ed, by John L. Hennessy and David A. Patterson, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2007 教學要點概述 There will be two examinations, and one student group term project, all weighted roughly 1/3 of the term grade; homework assignments are possible. To be discussed with the enrolled students and determined. Approximately 2/3 of the hours will be used for lecturing, and the other 1/3 for examinations and term project presentations. Research, presentation and team work skills are very important to university students especially at their graduate level. While many courses don’t offer students the opportunity to sharpen their skills in this aspect. In this course, we provide such an opportunity so that students can practice their research, presentation and team work skills, as well as enhance their capabilities in learning from peers.zh_TW
dc.description.abstract預備知識:Computer Organizationzh_TW
dc.title計算機架構 (英文授課)zh_TW
dc.titleComputer Architectureen_US
dc.typeDigital Coursesen_US
dc.contributor.departmentOpen Education Officeen_US
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