標題: 20世紀印度自由思想
Thoughts of Freedom: India’s 20th Century
作者: M.MadhavaPrasad
Open Education Office
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 本課程是由交通大學 社會與文化研究所提供。 M. Madhava Prasad 為印度英文與外文大學文化研究系(Department of Cultural Studies, English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad, India)教授,也是Bangalore文化與社會研究中心(Center for the Study of Culture and Society)的創始成員。在印度的學術思想界,他是中生代的翹楚,廣受各界尊重,特別在文化研究、批判理論等領域都有很高的知名度,其著作《印度電影之意識形態:一個歷史的建構》(Ideology of the Hindi Film: A Historical Construction,被譽為印度電影研究的指標書籍。長期以來,他以印度電影作為其研究對象,藉此分析後殖民印度的思想狀況,他的新作Cine-poltics被看好是近期以電影介入政治與思想重要著作。 本課程將探索20世紀的印度思想文化史,主要分為三大部分:政治與社會/新的身分/文化政治。每單元討論5周。藉由觀察塑造印度思想和政治的關鍵事件,閱讀印度哲學家和學者們的著作來追溯印度思想的發展。將焦點放在一些關鍵的爭論議題,例如歷史史學(種姓制度與階級、女性議題)、文學批評(印度文學的概念)等等。Prasad教授的課程及其著作呈現的學養,將給予台灣學生與學界相當重要的觸媒及資源,補足我們對於印度知識發展現況之理解。
課程目標 This course will be an exploration of the intellectual history of India in the 20th century. We will look at some key exchanges that have shaped Indian thought and politics, such as those between Rabindranath Tagore and M. K. Gandhi; between M. K. Gandhi and B. R. Ambedkar. Apart from these important figures, we will also examine the intellectual efforts of Jawaharlal Nehru, an important Congressman, E. V. Ramasami ‘Periyar’, a radical reformer, Rammanohar Lohia, who conceived a sort of indigenous socialism, Marxist thinkers such as E. M. S. Namboodiripad, and others from the realm of politics, social activism and literature. In addition we will also track the development of Indian thought in the work of philosophers and scholars, focusing on key debates in historiography (nationalist, Marxist and ‘subaltern’), sociology (caste and class, the women’s question), literary criticism (the idea of ‘Indian literature’) etc. We will see, hopefully, that implicitly or explicitly, through all these intricate routes, the common object of pursuit has been the meaning of freedom, and the possibility of thinking freedom. 課程綱要 授課主題 主題一 政治與社會 Politics and Society 主題二 文化政治 Cultural Politics 主題三 新的身分 The New Identity
URI: http://ocw.nctu.edu.tw/course_detail.php?bgid=5&nid=470