標題: 物理化學(二)
Physical Chemistry II
作者: 朱超原
Open Education Office
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 課程首頁 本課程是由交通大學應用化學系提供。 Introduction to quantum chemistry, molecular orbitals and bonding. The Schrodinger equation and its solutions for some simple systems. Wavefunctions, one-electron and multielectron atoms and molecules, rotation and vibration of molecules. Molecular orbitals and bonding in diatomic and polyatomic molecules. Molecular symmetry, structure, and spectroscopy.
課程目標/概述 Introduction to quantum chemistry, molecular orbitals and bonding. The Schrodinger equation and its solutions for some simple systems. Wavefunctions, one-electron and multielectron atoms and molecules, rotation and vibration of molecules. Molecular orbitals and bonding in diatomic and polyatomic molecules. Molecular symmetry, structure, and spectroscopy. 課程章節 單元 主題內容 單元一 Origins of quantum mechanics 單元二 The Schrodinger wave equation 單元三 Quantum operators and observables 單元四 The hydrogen atom 單元五 Approximation methods for multielectron atoms 單元六 Diatomic molecules 單元七 Polyatomic molecules and chemical bonds 單元八 Translations, rotations and vibrations 單元九 Optical spectroscopy and photochemistry 單元十 Magnetic resonance spectroscopy 單元十一 Miscellaneous topics in quantum chemistry 課程書目 Physical Chemistry 3rd edition, Mortimer, 2008[99學年第1學期 物理化學(三)也使用這本教科書] 參考書目 Physical Chemistry 2nd edition, Engel and Reid, Pearson 2010. Physical Chemistry, McQuarrie and Simon, 1997. Atkins Physical Chemistry 7th edition, Atkins and Paula, 2002. 評分標準 項目 百分比 作業部分:每堂課後均有作業 20% Midterm-I 15% Midterm-II 20% Midterm-III 15% 期末考 30%
URI: http://ocw.nctu.edu.tw/course_detail.php?bgid=1&nid=372