標題: Profiles of random trees: Limit theorems for random recursive trees and binary search trees
作者: Fuchs, Michael
Hwang, Hsien-Kuei
Neininger, Ralph
Department of Applied Mathematics
關鍵字: random recursive tree;random binary search tree;profile of trees;probabilistic analysis of algorithms;weak convergence
公開日期: 1-Nov-2006
摘要: We prove convergence in distribution for the profile (the number of nodes at each level), normalized by its mean, of random recursive trees when the limit ratio alpha of the level and the logarithm of tree size lies in [0, e). Convergence of all moments is shown to hold only for a E [0, 1] (with only convergence of finite moments when alpha is an element of (1, e)). When the limit ratio is 0 or 1 for which the limit laws are both constant, we prove asymptotic normality for alpha = 0 and a "quicksort type" limit law for alpha = 1, the latter case having additionally a small range where there is no fixed limit law. Our tools are based on the contraction method and method of moments. Similar phenomena also hold for other classes of trees; we apply our tools to binary search trees and give a complete characterization of the profile. The profiles of these random trees represent concrete examples for which the range of convergence in distribution differs from that of convergence of all moments.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00453-006-0109-5
ISSN: 0178-4617
DOI: 10.1007/s00453-006-0109-5
Volume: 46
Issue: 3-4
起始頁: 367
結束頁: 407
Appears in Collections:Conferences Paper

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