標題: A Gunn-diode active leaky-wave frequency scanning antenna
作者: Lee, SH
Jou, CK
Lee, CP
Hu, CC
Wu, JJ
Institute of Communication Studies
Department of Electronics Engineering and Institute of Electronics
關鍵字: voltage controlled oscillator (VCO)
公開日期: 1-Jan-1998
摘要: A frequency tunable active leaky-wave scanning antenna using Gunn-diode voltage control oscillator (VCO) as source is developed. The frequency tuning controlled by changing either the varactor diode de bias or the Gunn diode de bias is demonstrated. The measured scanning angle of active antenna is close to 15 degree as the Gunn VCO frequency tuned from 12.58GHz to 12.98GHz. To excite the first higher order mode of the microstrip leaky-wave antenna is fed asymmetrically. The dominant mode excitation has been successfully suppressed by adding a sequence of covered wire in the middle line of the microstrip leaky wave antenna. This is a prototype of frequency scanning antenna using two terminal device, which can be easily scaled up to millimeter wave frequency region.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/115
ISSN: 0195-9271
Volume: 19
Issue: 1
起始頁: 149
結束頁: 163
Appears in Collections:Articles

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