標題: On fast supervised learning for normal mixture models with missing information
作者: Lin, TI
Lee, JC
Ho, HJ
資訊管理與財務金融系 註:原資管所+財金所
Institute of Statistics
Department of Information Management and Finance
關鍵字: Bayesian classifier;data augmentation;EM algorithrn;incomplete features;Rao-Blackwellization
公開日期: 1-六月-2006
摘要: It is an important research issue to deal with mixture models when missing values occur in the data. In this paper, computational strategies using auxiliary indicator matrices are introduced for efficiently handling mixtures of multivariate normal distributions when the data are missing at random and have an arbitrary missing data pattern, meaning that missing data can occur anywhere. We develop a novel EM algorithm that can dramatically save computation time and be exploited in many applications, such as density estimation, supervised clustering and prediction of missing values. In the aspect of multiple imputations for missing data, we also offer a data augmentation scheme using the Gibbs sampler. Our proposed methodologies are illustrated through some real data sets with varying proportions of missing values. (c) 2006 Pattern Recognition Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.patcog.2005.12.014
ISSN: 0031-3203
DOI: 10.1016/j.patcog.2005.12.014
Volume: 39
Issue: 6
起始頁: 1177
結束頁: 1187


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