Title: CSD-A New Unified Threshold Metric of Evaluating LCD Viewing Angle by Color Saturation Degradation
Authors: Chen, Szu-Fen F.
Cheng, Wei-Chung W.
Shieh, Han-Ping D.
Department of Photonics
Institute of Display
Keywords: Color saturation degradation (CSD) metric;contrast ratio metric;just-noticeable difference (JND);liquid-crystal device (LCD) viewing angle evaluation;psychophysical evaluation
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2006
Abstract: Lower luminance contrast ratio and chromatic changes affect the visual performance (i.e. color shift) of a thin-film transistor liquid-crystal device (TFT-LCD) at large viewing angles. The de facto method of defining viewing angle, contrast ratio of luminance, fails to represent the substantial visual performance viewed at a larger angle. We found the degradation of color saturation, dS*/d theta, to be an appropriate metric to aid the conventional viewing angle definition (CR >= 0). We empirically determined the threshold for defining the color viewing angles of TFT-LCDs, CVA = {theta parallel to dS*/d theta vertical bar <= 0.03} which reflects the variation not only in chromaticity but also in luminance. The proposed metric was evaluated by psychophysical experiments, whose results validate the efficacy of the proposed metric.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/JDT.2006.874504
ISSN: 1551-319X
DOI: 10.1109/JDT.2006.874504
Volume: 2
Issue: 2
Begin Page: 106
End Page: 113
Appears in Collections:期刊論文


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