標題: Arithmetic module, device and system
作者: Liu Chih-Wei
Chang Kuo-Chiang
Ou Shih-Hao
Chen Yu-Wen
公開日期: 3-三月-2015
摘要: An arithmetic module is provided, including a first adder, a first shifter coupled to the first adder, a multiplier coupled to the first shifter for receiving an external coefficient signal, a digit alignment unit coupled to the multiplier, a second adder coupled to the digit alignment unit, and a second shifter coupled to the second adder. The arithmetic module reduces the overall computation time effectively, as compared with a scalar processor, by employing a serial data connection design, and also significantly reduces power consumption of the digital signal processor by requiring fewer input and output ends than those of a multi-issue processor.
官方說明文件#: G06F007/483
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/122811
專利國: USA
專利號碼: 08972471


  1. 08972471.pdf

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