標題: 含氮化鎵之半導體結構
作者: 張翼
公開日期: 16-四月-2015
摘要: 一種含氮化鎵之半導體結構的形成方法,包括提供基板、將成核層(nucleation layer)形成在基板上、將擴散阻擋層(diffusion blocking layer)形成在成核層上、將應力釋放層(strain relief layer)形成在擴散阻擋層上以及將半導體層形成在應力釋放層上,其中擴散阻擋層係形成在成核層上而可以防止雜質向基板擴散的向外擴散效應發生。 A method for forming a GaN-containing semiconductor structure is provided. The method includes a substrate is provided, a nucleation layer is formed above the substrate, a diffusion blocking layer is formed above the nucleation layer, a strain relief layer is formed above the diffusion blocking layer, and a semiconductor layer is formed above the stain relief layer, in which the diffusion blocking layer is deposited on the nucleation layer such that the diffusion blocking layer can prevent the impurities out-diffusion from the substrate.
官方說明文件#: H01L029/778
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/122959
專利國: TWN
專利號碼: 201515219


  1. 201515219.pdf

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