標題: 從「客家」到客家(一): 中國歷史上本貫主義戶籍制度下的「客家」
From "The Guest" to the Hakka (1): "The Guest" under the Principle of Bon-Gwan in the Household Registration System in the History of China
作者: 施添福
T'ien-fu Shih
College of Hakka Studies
International Center for Hakka Studies
關鍵字: 本貫主義;方言主義;戶籍制度;「客家」;客家;族群;The Principle of Bon-Gwan;the Principle of Vernacular Language;Household Registration System;"The Guest," the Hakka;Ethnic Group
公開日期: 十一月-2013
摘要: 本文依據本貫主義和方言主義的分類原則(指標),並從發生的源頭,探索自魏晉到明清出現在傳世文獻上的各種客稱及其意義,企圖回答「什麼是客家」的「客家」問題。至於中國客家名稱的起源以及台灣的「客家」和客家用詞的演變則留待另文討論。<br>
The paper uses the principles of Bon-gwan and vernacular language to explore the meaning of the term Hakka, literally meaning "the guest," in the documentary sources from the Six Dynasties (220-658) to the Ming-Ch'ing (1368-1840) era in the history of China, and attempts to answer the question of "what the Hakka is." The paper does not intend to deal with the issues of the origin of the term Chinese Hakka and the evolution of the terms "the guest" and the Hakka in Taiwan, which will be discussed by other papers.<br>
The paper proposes three main arguments:<br>
First, if we employ the concept of ancestral hometown (the principle of Bon-gwan) to differentiate between "the guest" and "the non guest" peoples, then "the guest" would mean those who neither reside in their hometown nor register in the household registration system. Therefore, the term "the guest" in concept is the opposite of the term inhabitants, and it is a generic term in nature rather than a specific one according to the principle of Bon-gwan. Those registered in the border areas of Hokkien, Canton, and Kiangsi provinces but were called the Hakka are in fact the inhabitants, not "the guests." Then those being called "the guest" must be those who migrated out this area.<br>
Second, if we employ the concept of provincial dialects (the principle of vernacular language) to differentiate, then the term Hakka indicates the speakers of Hakka language, and the term Hakka conveys the specific rather than the generic idea. Therefore, the Hakka signifies an ethnic group based on the vernacular language within the Chinese civilization.<br>
Third, the term Hakka in the documentary sources from the Six Dynasties to the Ming-Ch'ing era in the history of China is after the principle of Bon-gwan rather than an ethnonym. After the early Ch'ing China the definition of Hakka gradually shifted from the principle of Bon-gwan to that of vernacular language, but the process is so slow and it has never been fully completed up to now. The long-term mixture of the terms Hakka and "the guests" leads to the confusion among the researchers and the identification of the Hakka people, which results in all kinds of controversial arguments that need to be further clarified.
URI: http://ghk.nctu.edu.tw/issueArticle.asp?P_No=33&CA_ID=369
期刊: 全球客家研究
Global Hakka Studies
Volume: 1
起始頁: 1
結束頁: 56


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